Internet Quiz BY Jerry Thompson - Genesee Sun

1 year ago 45

Internet Quiz BY Jerry Thompson

I person recovered that galore people, portion they usage the Internet, they don’t recognize it. They perceive oregon spot presumption without knowing however they tin interaction your net experience.

Look implicit this database of words oregon abbreviations. How galore bash you know?

  1. Internet
  2. The Web
  3. Browser oregon web browser
  4. Address Bar
  5. URL
  6. Front End
  7. Backend
  8. Cache
  9. HTTP
  10. HTTPS

Are you finished? How bash you deliberation you did?


Some words get confused, specified arsenic the Internet and the Web. The Internet (Interconnected Network) is the hardware that makes up the Internet. Millions of computers store an unimaginable fig of files, images, web pages, databases, and more. These computers are designed to speech to each different and speech files.

The Web

The Web refers to the bundle that runs connected the Internet. All the files you download, each the web pages you visit, the videos you watch, oregon the games you play are portion of the Web.

Browser oregon Web Browser

Most of the Internet is written successful codification oregon language. Names for the fable see Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Personal Home Page (PHP, present stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

However, the codification oregon connection needs to beryllium translated. That is the relation of the browser oregon web browser. The browser interprets the codification and builds a leafage that humans tin recognize and enjoy.

Significant browsers see Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. A emblematic quality cannot bask the Internet without a browser.

If you privation to spot what the leafage looks like, right-click connected an bare spot connected the web page, click “View Page Source,” and spot what it looks similar earlier the browser makes it beauteous for us. NOTE: This does not enactment connected each web pages. Try antithetic pages if the archetypal does not work.

Address Bar

At the apical of the screen, conscionable beneath the tab, you volition spot a enactment of buttons and a agelong achromatic rectangle you tin benignant in. That is the code bar. The existent web code is simply a bid of numbers oregon codes. For example, the web code for the Lake Country Echo is, and the web code of the web server is

You tin besides execute an net hunt there. You tin adhd your hunt presumption successful the code barroom and deed enter.


URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, a domain sanction oregon web address. The web code consists of a sanction followed by an extension. For example, oregon volition some instrumentality you to the Lake Country Echo website. The “.com” is the extension. Common extensions oregon .com, .net, and .org. Hundreds of caller extensions are disposable now, specified arsenic .school, .consulting, and .xyz.

 Front End

The beforehand extremity is what you spot and interact with. Whether it is simply a elemental web leafage oregon an amazon buying cart, that is the Front End.

Back End

The backmost extremity is everything you cannot spot that makes the website work: databases, web scripts oregon code, configuration settings, and more.


The Web is besides called a cloud. It makes you deliberation that you are successful different portion of the satellite looking astatine someone’s web page; erstwhile you adjacent it, you instrumentality to your computer. That is not precisely accurate.

When you benignant successful a web address, your machine talks to a web server, asking for the web pages stored connected that server. That server says good and downloads the pages into your machine with the requested information. Suppose you person an older machine oregon a slower net connection. In that case, pictures mightiness look 1 astatine a time, oregon not each the substance is disposable close away. The leafage becomes disposable successful stages.

In reality, you are looking astatine the web leafage connected your computer.

All these web files are stored successful the cache. When you adjacent a web page, those files whitethorn not beryllium deleted, and they physique up and instrumentality up gobs of abstraction connected your hard drive. That is wherefore erstwhile you person problems with a web page, they archer you to delete your past oregon wide your cache. The aged pages struggle with the caller pages.

Programs similar are beneficial and marque it casual to wide your cache.


HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol that connects you to that web server and requests the webpage you are asking for. It is astatine the opening of each web address, but it is not ever displayed.

The biggest occupation with HTTP is that it is made of plain text. Some programs tin intercept your request, transcript the transferred information betwixt computers, oregon redirect you to different server.


HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) encrypts the information you petition and the resulting web leafage truthful they cannot beryllium intercepted. It tin inactive beryllium blocked, but the encryption makes it unreadable by the idiosyncratic trying to seizure that information.

For brochure sites wherever they are lone presenting information, HTTPS is not necessary. However, HTTPS is your shield protecting your information connected websites wherever you nonstop idiosyncratic accusation oregon recognition paper data.

How did you do?

Did you cognize astir of the terms?  I anticipation this helped you amended recognize however the Internet works.

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