RVIA Aftermarket Committee Seeking Volunteer Assistance - RVBusiness - Breaking RV Industry News - RV Business

2 years ago 55

John Tinghitella

EDITOR’S NOTE: The pursuing connection was sent retired Thursday (Oct. 13) by the RV Industry Association connected behalf of John Tinghitella, president of the Steering Team for the RV Industry Association Aftermarket Committee.

Dear RV Industry Association Aftermarket Members,

The Aftermarket squad is progressive arsenic our Task Forces are resetting for a large 2023 and beyond. A fewer updates worthy noting:

The Steering Committee is shifting from 6 members to 5, arsenic a agelong clip manufacture seasoned Matt Warner moves on. Matt’s precise engaged these days getting his caller concern going and has decided to propulsion back. We cognize helium won’t drift excessively acold distant and is ever invited successful our segment. The Committee is processing a enactment succession program for aboriginal structural requirements and improvements. For present determination are 5 remaining members: Tom Manning, Steve Johnson, Raymond Padgett, Art Tischer and myself.

The Events Task Force, led by Chris Cieto, is engaged lining up aboriginal Conference venues and reviewing our caller post-event survey for improvements and upgrades. The 2022 RV Aftermarket Conference successful San Antonio drew 238 attendees. All indications are attendees were highly pleased with the lawsuit and look guardant to adjacent August successful San Diego.
Raymond Padgett is starring the Consumer Outreach Task Force. Last period they wrapped up archetypal filming which volition beryllium the ground for video contented to assistance caller RVers get started, peculiarly connected applying aftermarket products.

The Content Task Force is charged with operationalizing our charter which is based connected achieving a large user result successful Parts & Accessories to enactment the RV Industry Association’s ngo to beforehand and support the RV industry. We absorption connected 4 chiseled pillars: Data, Connections, Outreach and Legacy. Our extremity is to service up applicable contented astatine the Aftermarket Conference and passim the twelvemonth for added subordinate value. I pb this squad and we’re looking for caller volunteers for 2023.

If you are funny successful joining immoderate of the Task Forces delight consciousness escaped to scope retired straight to me. Onward and upward!

John Tinghitella
Chairman – Steering Team, RV Industry Association Aftermarket Committee

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