In part 1 of this full course, we learn how to build complex websites with JavaScript and how to use JavaScript with HTML and CSS.
Exercise solutions:
Copy of the code:

HTML CSS Full course:
A.I. tool for searching for code:

0:00 Intro
1:47 1. JavaScript Basics
14:13 2. Numbers and Math
44:48 3. Strings
1:10:53 4. HTML CSS Review, console.log
1:55:57 5. Variables
2:41:53 6. Booleans and If-Statements
3:49:14 7. Functions
4:34:07 8. Objects
5:51:05 9. Document Object Model (DOM)
7:11:26 10. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Together
8:20:42 11. Arrays and Loops
9:26:00 11 (Part 2). Arrays and Loops
10:15:45 12. Advanced Functions
11:01:49 12 (Part 2). Advanced Functions
11:55:01 Projects and Ending

Additional Information:
This JavaScript full course is a series of JavaScript tutorials for aspiring software engineers, teaching the main skills that we need to create complex, interactive websites. Each JavaScript tutorial builds on a project and provides some JavaScript exercises to practice what we learned. By the end, we’ll learn how to create complex, interactive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and we’ll continue our journey to becoming a web developer and software engineer.

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