300-year-old Polish beech voted Tree of the Year

4 hours ago 2

Maddie Molloy

BBC Climate & Science

Marcin_Kopij A majestic Common Beech histrion   stands successful  a lush park, its leaves displaying a striking premix  of reddish  and orangish  hues. Clusters of purple rhododendrons adhd  bursts of colour to the foreground and a peaceful way  upwind   done  the park.Marcin_Kopij

The 300-year-old victor is simply a beloved awesome of its section community

The Heart of the Dalkowskie Hills, a breathtaking 300-year-old beech, has won Poland the European Tree of the Year grant for the 4th consecutive time.

Standing gangly successful Dalków's historical park, the deep-red quality is simply a beloved awesome for the community.

Visitors besides person a quirky tradition: tossing peanuts into a spread successful it, hoping for their wishes to travel true.

The contention celebrates our narration with quality by showcasing beauteous and unsocial trees from crossed the continent.

Here are immoderate of the different trees that scored precocious successful the competition:

Ana Rute This Moreton Bay Fig histrion   has a massive, buttressed trunk and an extended  basal   strategy   spreading crossed  the ground. Its dense canopy of glossy greenish  leaves provides ample shade, portion    large, sprawling branches widen  outward.Ana Rute

Taking 2nd spot is the majestic Portuguese Moreton Bay Fig.

This histrion was planted successful the 19th Century successful Coimbra's romanticist Quinta das Lágrimas Gardens from seeds exchanged with Sydney's Botanical Garden and is simply a treasured landmark.

Fran Jara A Stone Pine histrion   with a broad, umbrella-shaped canopy with dense, acheronian  greenish  foliage. Its sturdy trunk supports sprawling branches, immoderate   partially bare. The histrion   stands against a melodramatic  nighttime  entity  time-lapse filled with swirling prima  trails.Fran Jara

In 3rd spot is the Pino de Juan Molinera.

A 400-year-old chromatic conifer successful Abengibre, Spain, this histrion has sheltered generations of locals and witnessed countless celebrations, puerility games and romances.

It has endured floods, snowstorms and a lightning strike, lasting arsenic a testament to resilience and history.

Other notable entries

Jillian Donnachie A monolithic  communal  oak histrion   with a thick, gnarled trunk covered successful  moss. Its sprawling branches twist and widen  successful  each  directions, immoderate   draped with greenery, portion    others look  bare and weathered. The histrion   stands successful  a dense forest, surrounded by tall, consecutive  trees, contrasting its irregular form.Jillian Donnachie

The Skipinnish Oak successful Scotland, UK is simply a 400-year-old giant, lasting proudly successful Lochaber's woodland.

It is 1 of the region's largest oaks and a captious ecosystem for uncommon lichens similar the black-eyed Susan.

Recently crowned the UK winner, it is simply a beloved section treasure.

Rudi Debruyne A ample  Sweet Chestnut with dense, greenish  foliage stands successful  a landscaped country  surrounded by pathways and grass. In the background, modern   ceramic  buildings, a trampoline, and a tiny  pond with benches are visible.Rudi Debruyne

The Old Chestnut of Sint-Rafaël successful Belgium is simply a 150– to 200-year-old witnesser to the past of Sint-Job-in-'t-Goor.

David Kabalin A Holm Oak with dense, acheronian  greenish  foliage stands successful  a paved courtyard adjacent   the sea, surrounded by historical  chromatic  and plaster buildings. A circular seat  surrounds its trunk, portion    radical   locomotion  and unbend  successful  the shaded country  with a presumption    of the water.David Kabalin

The Tree of Freedom successful Rab, Croatia, is simply a 105-year-old holm oak that stands arsenic a awesome of assemblage and heritage.

Generations person cherished it, with galore families passing down stories of ancestors who helped works it. Its centennial was celebrated with a expansive event, honouring its relation successful the town's history.

Lucie Mojžíšová A ample  Common Oak with a heavy   trunk and sprawling branches covered successful  greenish  leaves, lasting  connected  a grassy mound. Small buildings with greenish  doors and woody  fences are disposable   successful  the background, providing a consciousness   of scale.Lucie Mojžíšová

The Lukavice Oak successful the Czech Republic is simply a 700- to 800-year-old survivor, erstwhile threatened by property owners who tried to region its soil.

Defying destruction, it inactive stands strong, symbolising resilience and pridefulness for the section community.

Emmanuel Boitier Terre Sauvage A Common Oak stands partially illuminated by artificial lighting adjacent   a calm riverbank. 
Emmanuel Boitier Terre Sauvage

The Peaceful Oak of Saint-Maurice successful France is simply a 200– to 250 year-old guardian of the Laïta River, lasting astatine the entranceway of the Abbey of Saint-Maurice.

A haven for wildlife, it adjacent has an otter-shaped seat beside it, honouring its playful regular companion.

Erika Kovács A level   histrion   stands gangly  successful  a sunlit park, its wide  canopy casting shadiness  connected  the writer  below. Surrounding trees and a wide   bluish  entity  framework  the lush greenish  landscape.Erika Kovács

The Plane Tree successful the Archbishop's Garden successful Hungary is simply a historical landmark successful Eger, known for its grandeur and shaded canopy.

Legend says Hungarian leaders, including Lajos Kossuth, rested beneath it earlier the 1849 Battle of Kápolna.

SardiniaRegionForestryCorps An past  yew stands successful  a rocky forest, its monolithic  trunk showing signs of age. A forestry idiosyncratic    beside it provides scale, highlighting the tree's awesome  size.SardiniaRegionForestryCorps

The Tasso di Matari successful Sardinia, Italy, is 1 of the island's oldest yew trees, lasting for centuries successful the Supramonte di Urzulei.

Overlooking an past Nuragic village, it bears carvings connected its trunk, marking the transition of time.

Agnis Melderis A Common Oak stands successful  a lush greenish  landscape, its monolithic  trunk encircled by a rope. A radical  of radical   successful  accepted   Latvian attire clasp  the rope, symbolically embracing the past  tree.Agnis Melderis

The Mēru Grand Oak successful Latvia is simply a 200 year-old elephantine with a canopy spanning 39 meters.

Linked to an aged fable of endurance aft the Northern War, it is seen arsenic a guardian of the region.

Giedre Svikle A Common Oak stands successful  an autumn landscape, its branches covered successful  aureate  leaves. The tree's wide  canopy contrasts with the heavy  bluish  sky, portion    surrounding trees show  a premix  of seasonal colours.Giedre Svikle

The Oak of Varniškės successful Lithuania is simply a much than 200 year-old awesome of strength, love, and tradition.

A household erstwhile built their location and herb workplace beside it, making it the bosom of their lives.

Martin Babarik This Plane Pear histrion   has a rounded canopy with dense, silvery-green foliage. Its branches dispersed  evenly, creating a balanced shape, and it stands unsocial  successful  a grassy tract  nether  a agleam  bluish  sky.Martin Babarik

The Wild Pear from Bošáca, Slovakia, is simply a 150-year-old histrion that grew from a stray effect connected Lysica Hill.

It stands successful a portion known for its affluent fruit-growing and is simply a beloved landmark. Its determination attracts paragliders and hosts an yearly contention for flying humanities exemplary airplanes.

Rob Visser Photography A Ginkgo histrion   with a tall, spreading signifier  with branches that widen  outward and upward. Its dense, cascading foliage consists of agleam  green, fan-shaped leaves. The histrion   stands successful  a well-maintained garden, surrounded by different   trees and a greenhouse successful  the background.Rob Visser Photography

The Ginkgo Biloba successful Leiden, Netherlands, is simply a 240 year-old "living fossil" and the 2nd oldest successful Europe.

This past species, dating backmost to the clip of dinosaurs, was preserved successful China for its symbolic meaning of emotion and hope.

Ruslana Vasyliuk A White Acacia histrion   with profoundly  furrowed bark and sprawling roots gripping the earth. Its wide   branches are covered successful  agleam  greenish  leaves, filtering sunlight. It stands adjacent   calm water, surrounded by different   trees nether  a wide   bluish  sky.Ruslana Vasyliuk

The White Acacia successful Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, is simply a 140 year-old rarity known arsenic the Witness of Seven Generations.

It has stood successful six antithetic states during the people of history.

The afloat results tin beryllium seen connected Europe's Tree of the Year website.

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