Jason Sudeikis tried to prevent Olivia Wilde from seeing Harry Styles - Daily Mail

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Ted Lasso prima Jason Sudeikis was truthful devastated aft learning his live-in fiancée Olivia Wilde had taken up with Harry Styles, he flung himself nether her car successful a hopeless bid to forestall her from leaving to sojourn the British superstar, DailyMail.com tin exclusively reveal.

And contempt Wilde's insistence that her divided from Sudeikis was 'initially friendly,' successful information it near the blindsided Sudeikis distraught and drinking heavy unsocial astatine location and ranting to the couple's nanny: 'She's f***ing idiosyncratic else.'

The nanny who was caught successful the mediate of the warring pair, has present spoken retired successful a blockbuster interrogation with DailyMail.com, detailing however Sudeikis was near heartbroken, Wilde besotted with her caller man, and their 2 young children, Otis, eight, and Daisy, six, caught successful a ineligible tug of warfare betwixt them.

Wilde, 38, has ever insisted that she and Sudeikis parted ways successful aboriginal 2020 and her matter with erstwhile boybander Styles started months later. 

She told Vanity Fair: 'The implicit horses**t thought that I near Jason for Harry is wholly inaccurate. Our narration was implicit agelong earlier I met Harry.'

But successful fact, she was talking of matrimony to Sudeikis arsenic precocious arsenic October that year, the nanny said, and broke up with Sudeikis a period later, conscionable weeks aft she began filming Don't Worry Darling with Styles successful Palm Springs, California.

Far from being a communal decision, DailyMail.com tin disclose Wilde's determination near Sudeikis blindsided and saw him connected 1 juncture marque a hopeless effort to halt her from leaving their location to spell spot Styles by lying nether her car.

The nanny, who DailyMail.com has agreed not to identify, shared details of the couple's demise and a bid of incendiary texts detailing however Sudeikis was near heartbroken by Wilde's abrupt cutting of ties.

The explosive interrogation and scathing substance messages betwixt the nanny, Wilde and Sudeikis reveal:

  • Wilde began spending much clip distant from location citing enactment astatine the commencement of November and eventually dumped Sudeikis connected November 8.
  • Sudeikis aboriginal uncovered the afloat details of her narration with Styles by speechmaking messages connected an Apple ticker Wilde had near down and banned the nanny from playing Styles' euphony adjacent their children. 
  • The stunned histrion was distraught pursuing Wilde's abrupt departure and was near drunkenly ranting 'she's near us' and 'she's f***ing idiosyncratic else'.
  • Sudeikis told nanny 'she enactment the determination connected him [Harry]. She kissed him astatine 1 of the dinners they had for the formed successful Palm Springs. She did that.' 
  • Sudeikis became infuriated aft seeing Wilde hole a crockery for Styles with her 'special dressing' successful the household kitchen, leaving him ranting furiously astatine her and filming the encounter, earlier helium tried to forestall her leaving by lying nether the car. 
  • During the altercation Wilde told him: 'I'm frightened of you, Jason, I'm frightened of you'. And helium said: 'If you're frightened of me, wherefore are you leaving your kids with me'?'

Jason Sudeikis was blindsided erstwhile ex Olivia Wilde dumped him for Harry Styles successful November 2020, DailyMail.com tin reveal. Wilde, 38, has ever insisted that she and Sudeikis parted ways successful aboriginal 2020 and her matter with erstwhile boybander Styles started months later

Harry and Olivia made headlines aft they were seen attending Harry's agent's wedding arsenic a mates for the archetypal clip connected January 2, 2021 astatine the San Ysidro Ranch successful Montecito, California

Wilde shared photos from acceptable aft filming wrapped connected her 2nd diagnostic film, Don't Worry Darling, starring Florence Pugh and the director's beau Harry Styles 

Sudeikis and Wilde began dating successful 2011 and became engaged successful 2013. They stock 2 children, lad Otis and girl Daisy.

The nanny said she ne'er noticed problems with her employers' narration during the 3 years she spent moving for the family. 

In fact, conscionable a period earlier Wilde dumped Sudeikis - connected November 8, 2020 - the histrion spoke to unit astir her plans to wed him and to marque their girl Daisy a angiosperm girl, the insider revealed. 

But that each changed aft Wilde met Styles and swiftly fell for the singer, with the nanny claiming she adjacent appeared visibly 'giddy' and giggly astir him erstwhile she took Daisy to sojourn her connected set. 

Wilde began spending much and much clip distant from location citing enactment and yet moved into the adjacent $1,650-a-night Paramour Estate Hotel successful LA astatine the commencement of November 2020. 

She told her oblivious fiancé the determination was owed to a Covid outbreak connected acceptable but aboriginal dumped Sudeikis during a sojourn to the location they shared connected November 8.

Distraught Sudeikis aboriginal uncovered the afloat details of her narration with Styles by speechmaking messages connected an Apple ticker Wilde had near down – and swiftly banned the nanny from playing Styles' euphony adjacent their children.

In a furious rant, helium said she had 'put the determination on' the erstwhile lad set prima during a formed meal successful Palm Springs, California, wherever she besides kissed him for the archetypal time.

The nanny said: 'It was expected to beryllium a impermanent interruption for Covid but that turned retired to beryllium however she near us. He thought it was a impermanent break.

'On the Monday greeting November 9, erstwhile I came backmost from a play disconnected helium was crying a lot, crying and crying. I didn't cognize what had happened astatine all.

'After I'd got the kids ready, Jason came upstairs and was having immoderate coffee. He was crying and a mess, saying, "she near us. She near us!"'

As filming continued, Olivia began spending much clip distant from home, the nanny said. She moved retired successful aboriginal November 2020 and broke up with Sudeikis. Above, a November 2020 substance connection shared with DailyMail.com shows Olivia informing her nanny she would not beryllium coming by aft a combat with Sudeikis pursuing their split

From Jason to the nanny. Things escalated successful mid-November after Wilde infuriated Sudeikis by preparing a crockery for Styles with her 'special dressing' successful the household room - leaving him ranting furiously astatine her. A substance supra shows an incredulous Jason telling the nanny Olivia had left 

In a December 2020 texted Sudeikis contacted the nanny and shared screenshots of his speech with Wilde arsenic helium complained, 'Olivia's not f**king here'

Sudeikis texted the nanny successful January 2021  that she was a bully idiosyncratic and wouldn't beryllium 'punished' for the chaos successful the family. The caretaker told DailyMail.com Sudeikis was aggravated becase she had reached retired to Wilde

'He was conscionable retired of power crying. I didn't cognize what to say. He was conscionable crying and crying and saying helium was going to get her backmost and helium loved her.

'He was truthful brokenhearted – I felt for him.' 

The nanny added: 'He started telling maine details [of her narration with Styles] and helium said "she enactment the determination connected him. She enactment the archetypal determination connected him".'

'She kissed him astatine 1 of the dinners they had for the formed successful Palm Springs. She did that,' Sudeikis told the nanny.

On November 13, Wilde – who was concisely staying astatine the household location portion Sudeikis was distant – went to a enactment with Styles successful Silver Lake earlier getting location astatine 4am.

Two days later, Wilde infuriated Sudeikis by preparing a crockery for Styles with her 'special dressing' successful the household room – leaving him ranting furiously astatine her and filming the encounter, earlier helium tried to forestall her leaving by lying nether the car.

The nanny explained: 'The nighttime she near with her salad, Jason had chased aft her, videotaping her successful the house.

'She was saying: 'I'm frightened of you, Jason, I'm frightened of you'. And helium said: 'If you're frightened of me, wherefore are you leaving your kids with me'?'

'So then, Jason went extracurricular and laic nether her car truthful she wouldn't leave. She got successful her car to backmost up, helium laic nether her car truthful she wouldn't leave.

'She went backmost into the location and helium went in, it was backmost and forth. He said helium was doing it connected intent to marque her precocious going to spot Harry.'

The nanny added: 'Jason told me: 'She made this crockery and she made her peculiar dressing and she's leaving with her crockery to person meal with [Harry].' 

The time aft the nanny resigned and agreed to enactment for the mates for different six months portion her replacement was found, Sudeikis mislaid his temper erstwhile helium realized she had texted Wilde and fired her connected the spot. He besides threw her retired of the London location helium was renting

Screenshots amusement the nanny panicking arsenic she reached retired to Wilde astir Sudeikis' outburst that night

In a follow-up speech aft the altercation, the nanny expressed her vexation to Wilde implicit the situation. 'I privation to permission successful bid and hide astir this full thing, she said

This is the Silverlake, Los Angeles location Jason and Olivia were surviving successful with their 2 children erstwhile their narration fell apart 

 'I said, what crockery dressing? He said: 'She has a peculiar crockery dressing she makes for america and she's taken it to person it with him now'. I don't cognize what was successful it. 

'Out of everything, helium was like, 'she made her peculiar crockery dressing and took it to him.''

Despite agreeing to be narration therapy sessions with Sudeikis, DailyMail.com tin uncover Wilde became truthful besotted with Styles, the family's therapist compared her request for him to a cause addiction.

The nanny said: 'Olivia ne'er took those therapy sessions seriously. She didn't privation to spell – Jason wanted her to go.

'She had nary volition of repairing things with him. I deliberation it made her look bully – determination were those pictures of her giving Jason a hug aft therapy and it conscionable showed they were ending things successful a truly bully way.

'That was a prevarication – Jason was brokenhearted the full time. It wasn't, ohio things are each bully now.'

The nanny said Wilde's exit triggered a spiral of erratic behaviour successful Sudeikis including making his nightly drinking wont worse. 

The movie's premiere astatine the Venice Film Festival attracted wide media attraction aft it was revealed Pugh would not beryllium progressive successful the promotion of the film 

Sudeikis, 46, and Wilde, 38, began dating successful 2011 and went connected to person 2 children, lad Otis, 8, and girl Daisy, 6, earlier splitting successful 2020

The nanny told DailyMail.com Sudeikis was distraught by Wilde's alleged betrayal. The 2 are pictured successful April 2014 erstwhile Olivia was expecting their archetypal child, lad Otis, present eight 

The nanny said Wilde's exit allegedly triggered a spiral of erratic behaviour successful Sudeikis including making his nightly drinking wont worse

The nanny said Wilde had repeatedly told her she couldn't get a awesome to telephone her children and she lone realized she was with Styles erstwhile photographs appeared successful the media.

She said: 'The happening astir that was erstwhile Olivia near Jason, arsenic she was filming and going retired with Harry, she was inactive leaving him voicemails and texts saying she loved him and helium was her everything.

'He fto maine work them and perceive them. Jason was like, 'she was conscionable present bare successful the swimming excavation and she was bare successful our bed.'

'When I saw Olivia holding hands arsenic a mates with Harry – I couldn't judge it. Just a period earlier erstwhile we were successful LA, she was sending Jason messages saying she loved him.

'So, it was like, however tin she beryllium successful this relationship, and past holding hands with idiosyncratic other a period later? It was a batch of mixed messages.' 

The nanny said Sudeikis was having a hard clip coping with her departure, appearing blessed immoderate days due to the fact that 'he was moving connected himself', but would look upset connected others.  

'Then determination were immoderate days wherever helium was conscionable aggravated and cursing names astatine her to me,' she said. 

'Jason would say: 'I'm bushed of this f***ing sh*t. It's due to the fact that of Olivia. She near us.'

The erstwhile mates had alternated one-week periods of 'parental access' with their children, arsenic they some divided their clip betwixt New York, Los Angeles, and London

Wilde was successful the mediate of a presumption for 4,100 movie manufacture executives astir Don't Worry Darling successful April this twelvemonth erstwhile a process server handed her an envelope containing tribunal custody papers

Wilde called the serving of ineligible papers implicit their custody quality 'appalling' and 'vicious'. Sudeikis apologized saying: 'I recognize that the process server had lone done her job; however, I profoundly regret what happened'

Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde get astatine the Bowery edifice unneurotic for the Don't Worry Darling premiere afterparty successful New York City connected September 19 

At the extremity of December 2020, the nanny traveled to London with Sudeikis and the 2 children to statesman filming the 2nd play of Ted Lasso.

By this time, the nanny was besides attending the sessions but became upset erstwhile Sudeikis signed her up for sessions with his beingness manager – who pumped her for accusation astir Wilde.

Sudeikis would besides telephone and substance her perpetually from the Ted Lasso set, she claimed, asking if she had heard from Wilde and becoming aggravated if she texted her.

Feeling 'manipulated' and overwhelmed by the progressively toxic narration betwixt her employers, the nanny told Sudeikis she wanted to permission astatine the extremity of January but offered to proceed moving for different six months portion they recovered her replacement.

But connected February 1, the nanny claims she was abruptly fired precocious astatine nighttime by a 'drunk and retired of control' Sudeikis who had go enraged aft discovering she had texted Wilde.

Wilde began shooting Don't Worry Darling with Styles and histrion Florence Pugh successful Palm Springs, California, connected October 8, 2020 and swiftly fell for the vocalist – appearing visibly 'giddy' connected set

Wilde and Styles are seen looking cozy successful a radical photograph with immoderate of the film's crew 

'He said: 'You're going to get your worldly and get out. Why are you sending her messages?' I said, 'Jason, you've been drinking and I tin archer that you're drunk. You're precise aggravated and I'm acrophobic of you'.' 

A typical for Wilde has claimed the nanny was not fired, but chose to resign.

The nanny packed her bags and went to the $719-a-night Rosewood London edifice wherever she stayed for a period with her canine – paid for by Wilde and Sudeikis.

After flying backmost to the US, she said she was chopped escaped without severance wage and has been incapable to assertion unemployment due to the fact that Sudeikis and Wilde person claimed she wasn't fired but resigned. 

She said: 'I got nothing, thing astatine all. I asked astir severance wage but they didn't springiness maine anything. It has been terribly hard for me. 

'The astir hard portion is I person been a nanny for 20 years and it's my career. I adore children. I was truthful blessed successful what I do.

'This conscionable tore maine isolated and I was acrophobic to enactment with immoderate different families, reasoning they're conscionable going to wounded me. I started reasoning each the different families were the same.

Wilde, who is 10 years Harry's senior, has been spotted supporting her popular prima fellow successful the assemblage astatine his concerts during his Love connected Tour 

Rumors of Pugh's alleged feud with Wilde continued aft the premiere of Don't Worry Darling wherever the histrion kept an awkward region from Harry and Olivia portion connected the reddish carpet. At the Venice Film Festival, Wilde and Styles posed with co-star Sydney Chandler

'It blew maine away. It's benignant of similar your vocation is implicit and you person to commencement each implicit again from scratch. I didn't cognize wherever to statesman and I was brokenhearted. I had nary clue, nary direction.'

Despite the melodramatic extremity to her employment, she said she enjoyed astir of her clip moving for Wilde and Sudeikis and adored their 2 children.

She says she inactive has immoderate sympathy for Sudeikis but is aggravated with Wilde whose departure turned the family's blessed beingness upside down.

The nanny said: 'I bash person sympathy for Jason due to the fact that I lived with him and saw him each time and we had a batch of bully times. But the atrocious times were truly bad.

'I consciousness for Jason due to the fact that helium truly wanted to marque things work, helium tried. He near everything to spell to therapy and to effort harder to bash amended and it didn't enactment out.'

She says she past spoke to Wilde 4 months agone erstwhile she texted to inquire for quality of the children.

She told DailyMail.com: 'I was truthful brokenhearted from leaving the kids truthful they felt abandoned. I was shocked and traumatized aft being thrown out. 

Harry Styles is seen retired and astir connected September 19, 2022 successful New York City

Olivia and Harry person been trying to support a debased illustration astatine nationalist events amid the drama, but were seen exchanging words connected the reddish carpet astatine the New York premiere of Don't Worry Darling past month

'Just however they handled it – similar I was a container of trash being thrown out. It took maine a agelong clip to beryllium capable to travel retired and say, what you did was wrong.'

She added: 'I texted Olivia [four months ago] and asked if she would beryllium funny successful mediating. I said, 'hi Olivia, anticipation you're doing well. Miss the children truthful much'.

'She said 'sending you love' with a bosom arsenic if thing happened. She spoke to idiosyncratic and they sent maine an email that asked what I wanted to mediate about, and I said my wrongful termination.

'And to springiness the kids a due goodbye and fto them cognize I didn't wantonness them.

'She ne'er got backmost to me.'

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