3D Racetrack Memory Device (Max Planck) - SemiEngineering

1 year ago 27

A caller method insubstantial titled “Three-dimensional racetrack representation devices designed from freestanding magnetic heterostructures” was published by researchers astatine Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics successful Halle, Germany.

“Magnetic racetrack representation encodes information successful a bid of magnetic domain walls that are moved by existent pulses on magnetic nanowires. To date, astir studies person focused connected two-dimensional racetracks. Here we present a lift-off and transportation method to fabricate three-dimensional racetracks from freestanding magnetic heterostructures grown connected a water-soluble sacrificial merchandise layer,” states the paper.

Find the technical insubstantial here. Published September 2022.

Gu, K., Guan, Y., Hazra, B.K. et al. Three-dimensional racetrack representation devices designed from freestanding magnetic heterostructures. Nat. Nanotechnol. 17, 1065–1071 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-022-01213-1. Open Access.

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