4 tips for preparing to migrate to a new iPhone - TechRepublic

2 years ago 60
A purple iPhone 14 successful  its box.Image: Thai Nguyen/Unsplash

The instauration of Apple’s caller iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro are definite to effect successful galore iPhone owners upgrading to the caller models. When upgrading to a caller iPhone utilizing iCloud — an casual and businesslike method — determination are a fewer steps you tin instrumentality upfront to guarantee the process completes properly, and you don’t extremity up with applications and information you don’t privation connected the caller handset.

How to hole to migrate to a caller iPhone

Delete unnecessary applications

Now is simply a cleanable clip to execute immoderate basal cleanup. Review the installed applications and programs connected your existent iPhone and inquire yourself if you truly request each of those programs. If you’re similar me, you’ll find respective antecedently installed programs that you thought you were going to usage often and didn’t.

SEE: iPhone 14 cheat sheet: Everything to cognize astir Apple’s 2022 flagship phones (TechRepublic)

Each installed programme takes up retention and consumes processor cycles successful the signifier of inheritance app refresh activity, saps vigor by tracking your determination and adjacent eats into your information program if cellular connectivity is enabled to assistance the app successful tracking you. Don’t transportation these unnecessary programs that tin devour needed storage, information and artillery life. Remove them earlier migrating to the caller device.

Confirm settings

Because settings and idiosyncratic preferences typically transportation during a migration from an aged to a caller iPhone, present is besides a large clip to reappraisal settings and preferences. Specifically, reappraisal Background App Refresh, Location Services and Cellular settings earlier opening a migration to a caller iPhone.

To reappraisal and set Background App Refresh settings — which dictate which programs tin cheque for and download updated contented successful the inheritance erstwhile connected to Wi-Fi oregon cellular networks — pat Settings past General and prime Background App Refresh.

Should you choose, you tin disable the enactment for each installed programs by sliding the maestro Background App Refresh vigor fastener to disabled. But likelihood are determination are circumstantial programs, specified arsenic quality and upwind apps, you privation to support receiving specified updates. Scroll done the database (Figure A), and alteration and disable applications arsenic you prefer.

Figure A

iPhone inheritance  app refresh.Image: Apple

To reappraisal and set Location Services settings — which usage Bluetooth, cellular, GPS and Wi-Fi hotspot infrastructure to determine, way and study your approximate determination — pat Settings past Privacy & Security and prime Location Services. Should you choose, you tin opt to disable Location Services outright by disabling its vigor button.

Because Location Services tin assistance tracking your device, should it go lost, and supply applications with determination accusation needed to assistance programs successful moving much effectively, it’s apt champion to reappraisal each application’s settings.

Options see configuring an exertion to Never Use Location Services, utilizing determination settings While Using The App and Ask Next Time Or When I Share (Figure B). Another choice, to beryllium utilized with discretion since it enables an app to ever usage determination services, is Always.

Figure B

iPhone determination  services screen.Image: Apple

To reappraisal and set Cellular settings — which find whether an installed programme tin usage cellular information web connections (which consumes information connected your work plan) to cheque for updates and download accusation erstwhile connected lone to cellular networks — pat Settings past pat Cellular.

Under the Cellular Data heading, arsenic shown successful Figure C, alteration and disable idiosyncratic exertion settings arsenic you need.

Figure C

iPhone cellular settings.Image: Apple

Review relationship storage

When backing up an iPhone utilizing iCloud, Apple doesn’t automatically delete corresponding information antecedently backed up to iCloud erstwhile you delete a corresponding application. That’s a bully thing, arsenic you mightiness privation to reload the exertion and reconstruct the backed-up information later. In different cases, you whitethorn ne'er program connected utilizing an exertion again.

Preparing a caller iPhone migration is an due juncture to besides reappraisal the iPhone accusation backed up to the unreality and disposable for reinstallation and assistance destruct imaginable information that could needlessly beryllium migrated to a caller device. If thing else, deleting nary longer needed exertion information from a erstwhile iPhone iCloud backup frees much abstraction for backing up, migrating and restoring the accusation you bash need.

To reappraisal iPhone exertion information antecedently backed up to iCloud, unfastened Settings, pat your Apple ID and past iCloud and prime Manage Account Storage. Once the instrumentality loads the exertion backup information, arsenic shown successful Figure D, you tin scroll done the database and corroborate which apps are storing however overmuch data.

Figure D

iPhone negociate  relationship  storage.Image: Apple

When spotting exertion information you nary longer require, pat that application’s entry. Once the app’s information leafage loads, you tin pat Delete Data, arsenic shown successful Figure E, past corroborate the enactment to region that accusation from your iCloud backup and escaped corresponding storage.

Figure E

iPhone delete information  screen.Image: Apple

You mightiness beryllium amazed by this review. I surely was erstwhile preparing to migrate to a caller iPhone this week. Application information from years ago, including for apps I haven’t utilized since earlier the pandemic and nary longer required, remained wrong my iCloud backup.

Perform an iCloud backup

Last, earlier breaking the portion connected the replacement iPhone and opening the migration to the caller device, archetypal execute a last iCloud backup connected the aged handset. To implicit a caller backup, unfastened Settings, pat your Apple ID, prime iCloud and past iCloud Backup. The iCloud Backup surface volition display, arsenic shown successful Figure F.

Figure F

iCloud backup surface  connected  iPhone.Image: Apple

Tap Back Up Now. iOS volition pass you if it detects exertion information and accusation not included wrong erstwhile iCloud backups and punctual you to prime iCloud Settings, arsenic shown successful Figure G, to reappraisal and close immoderate errors.

Figure G

iPhone iCloud settings showing "app information  not backed up."Image: Apple

Once you’ve confirmed information you privation to see wrong the iCloud Backup is set, pat the Back Up Now button.

Alternatively, from the erstwhile paper you tin simply pat the Continue option. The iPhone volition past execute the backup, which iOS volition way utilizing a accepted advancement bar, arsenic shown successful Figure H.

Figure H

iPhone iCloud backup advancement  screen.Image: Apple

With applications, settings and a caller backup confirmed, you tin statesman migrating to the caller iPhone. Completing the earlier steps volition assistance guarantee lone the accusation you privation and request is restored to the caller device.

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