4 ways Amazon is making Alexa and its devices more accessible - About Amazon

1 year ago 33

Learn however to usage Alexa via touch, perceive to your Fire TV done proceeding aids, and pat into different accessible features with Amazon devices.

About 1 cardinal people astir the satellite unrecorded with disabilities, which is wherefore we strive to physique exertion that works good for everyone. We commencement by building with and for radical with disabilities, and our extremity is for each customers to cognize however they tin usage their Amazon devices successful their preferred way—to beryllium connected, entertained, and independent.

Did you cognize you tin interact with Alexa via touch? Or that you tin link compatible proceeding immunodeficiency to your Fire TV? Keep speechmaking to larn astir immoderate of the galore accessibility features built into Amazon devices.

  • 1.

    Making Alexa accessible beyond voice

    Tap to Alexa enables customers to interact with Alexa via interaction alternatively of voice, and the diagnostic is disposable connected Echo Show and prime Fire tablet devices. Customers tin usage Tap to Alexa with a compatible Bluetooth power to navigate and interact with their Fire tablet. The diagnostic tin beryllium adjuvant for individuals with constricted mobility.

    Customers tin besides usage a caller Text to Speech function, wherever they tin benignant a operation connected their Fire tablet and past pat an icon to person it spoken retired loud. This tin beryllium adjuvant for radical with code disabilities oregon unsocial dependable patterns, oregon for radical who are nonverbal oregon nonspeaking.

  • 2.

    Expanding amusement capabilities

    An representation  of an accessible diagnostic   for Amazon devices

    Select Fire TV devices present enactment Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA), making Fire TV the first-ever streaming media subordinate to enactment ASHA and allowing customers to straight link compatible Bluetooth proceeding aids. Research showed that improving TV dependable prime was 1 of the astir requested features among proceeding assistance users, inspiring our teams to physique this capability.

  • 3.

    Simplifying the out-of-box experience

    Customers who acquisition Echo Frames (2nd generation) volition find an in-box paper with braille substance pointing them to our Echo Frames idiosyncratic guide, which includes directions connected however to acceptable up Echo Frames. The accusation is screen-reader-friendly, which tin beryllium adjuvant for radical who are visually impaired oregon blind. The usher includes integer versions of the in-box documents with image-to-text translations of each Echo Frames visuals. It besides offers accusation astir instrumentality usage, accessibility-related features and functions, how-to instructions, and more.

  • 4.

    Helping amended absorption portion reading

    An representation  of an accessible diagnostic   for Amazon devices

    Kindle offers Reading Ruler connected the Kindle speechmaking app to assistance amended a reader’s attraction and absorption by highlighting a book’s text, making it easier to travel along. Kindle includes galore accessibility features for readers and authors, similar the quality to customize font type, size, and boldness, power surface brightness, margins, and enactment spacing, and invert the inheritance and substance colors to make a much comfy speechmaking environment.

Want to larn more?

Check retired Amazon’s latest accessibility videos showcasing however customers tin usage accessibility features crossed Alexa, Fire TV, Kindle, and different devices and services. Additionally, observe much astir the accessibility features we offer.

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4 ways Amazon is making Alexa and its devices much accessible

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