5.1 earthquake hits near San Jose, rattling Bay Area - Los Angeles Times

1 year ago 31

The San Francisco Bay Area was rattled Tuesday by a magnitude 5.1 earthquake centered adjacent San Jose.

The San Jose Fire Department had not received immoderate exigency calls related to the incident, spokesperson Erica Ray said. The San Jose Police Department besides said it had not received immoderate reports of harm oregon injuries.

Raymond Riordan, manager of the San Jose Office of Emergency Management, said that were nary reports of harm to h2o oregon wastewater systems. He warned residents to expect aftershocks.

The quake was reported astatine 11:42 a.m. eastbound of San Jose. It was followed by astatine slightest 2 aftershocks.

The quake’s epicenter was successful the mountains astir 5 miles eastbound of San Jose, astatine Joseph D. Grant County Park adjacent Mt. Hamilton. The astir aggravated shaking was successful sparsely populated areas.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake was felt arsenic acold southbound arsenic Salinas and Monterey, arsenic acold eastbound arsenic Merced and arsenic acold northbound arsenic San Rafael. The bureau estimated that the quake produced lone mean shaking and that large harm was unlikely.

A Times newsman successful Daly City, astir 50 miles northwest of the epicenter, received an exigency alert from the MyShake earthquake aboriginal informing system seconds earlier the shaking began.

Tuesday’s earthquake occurred on the Calaveras fault, 1 of the Bay Area’s astir worrisome faults for its ability to nutrient a quake successful the magnitude 7 range.

Among the astir caller quakes thought to person deed the Calaveras responsibility was the magnitude 6.2 Morgan Hill quake successful 1984, which caused $7 cardinal successful harm and near 21 radical injured, according to the USGS.

The largest quake recorded connected the Calaveras responsibility was a magnitude 6.6 temblor successful 1911.

An mean of 5 earthquakes with magnitudes betwixt 5.0 and 6.0 hap per twelvemonth successful California and Nevada.

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