5 elements of a profit-producing real estate business plan - RealTrends

1 year ago 40

Want to decorativeness the twelvemonth beardown and transportation momentum into adjacent year? A well-executed concern program is key. A profit-producing concern program needs to beryllium successful spot and activated by November 1.

It takes 30 to 45 days for the activities to effect successful contracts, truthful your associates volition decorativeness the twelvemonth beardown and transportation their momentum (pending contracts) into adjacent year. A large business plan has 5 elements.

Learn from Last Year. What worked? What didn’t work? Where did concern travel from? How galore listings and income did I have? How tin I improve? Unfortunately, galore income associates ne'er instrumentality the clip to measure their concern and progress. They drift from twelvemonth to twelvemonth as on-accident existent property professionals. They don’t person 10 years successful the business; they person 1 twelvemonth 10 times.

Set Goals for Next year. Set goals successful 4 areas:

  • Your Why; Your Life List; Your reasons for living. What is the rocket substance that motivates you to get up and spell to work?
  • Your Financial Goals. Your Why has to beryllium funded!
  • Your Net Worth Goals. Do you privation fiscal state someday? Real wealthiness comes from income-producing nett worth, not mean income.
  • Your Database. Do you person capable relationships to execute your fiscal goals? A bully measurement is 1 household for each $1,000 of Gross Commission Income.

Set Activity Goals. Unfortunately, a batch of income associates skip this step. They are bully astatine mounting goals, but the cardinal to achieving those goals is the productive activities called flow. There are 2 types of flow: Live-flow (face-to-face and voice-to-voice) and auto-flow (mailings and physics communication).

Set circumstantial flow goals — fig of calls, mailings, lunches, etc. Research shows that 50 live-flow contacts effect successful 1 contract. Want to summation your income? Increase your travel and measurement it. As we say, “Flow Fixes Everything.”

Schedule Your Activities. Schedule clip for your travel activities. We thin to bash what we schedule. The strategy utilized by astir each apical shaper I’ve studied is clip blocking. They power their docket alternatively than drifting done the day. They marque appointments with themselves to execute their travel activities.

Take Action! A large concern program is lone utile if you execute it. Sales associates who docket their activities done time-blocking (Step 4) are overmuch much apt to instrumentality action. Consistency is the key. What we bash each time is much important than what we bash erstwhile successful a while.

I precocious moderated a sheet of 4 precise precocious performers. All had taken the Ninja Installation training. I asked them, “What is the 1 happening you took from the grooming that helped you the most?” To my surprise, each 4 of them said the aforesaid thing—The Ninja Five Daily Habits. This is simply a greeting regular consisting of:

  1. Gratitude, affirmations, and affirmative speechmaking to get your affirmative vigor going.
  2. Showing up for enactment and time-blocking your time and week, truthful you enactment connected your agenda.
  3. Writing 2 idiosyncratic notes
  4. Focusing connected your Hot List (people who privation to bargain oregon merchantability successful the adjacent 90 days.)
  5. Concentrate connected your Warm List (people who whitethorn privation to bargain oregon merchantability successful the adjacent year.)

As 1 of the $60 cardinal producers said to me, “When I commencement my time with these 5 activities, I person a large day. When I bash it consistently, I drawstring large days together, and I person a large week.  Great weeks pb to large months and large months pb to my champion twelvemonth yet!”

What would your institution oregon bureau beryllium similar if everyone had their champion twelvemonth yet? If you’re a income associate, what would it beryllium similar if you had your champion twelvemonth ever?

When I spell implicit these 5 pillars with income associates, owners, and managers, they look to get a changeable of penetration and clarity. They halt being confused and acrophobic of the disruptors and the caller technologies. They commencement focusing connected their relationship-building skills, empathy, and uncovering ways to make a WOW! acquisition for their clients.

Most clients are not looking for an app oregon algorithm to assistance them. They privation an empathetic, trusted advisor. Provide this level of service, and our aboriginal is precise bright!

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