A man's breast cancer journey: Seven years and three surgeries later | Loop Jamaica - Loop News Jamaica

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After 3 surgeries and 7 years of warring bosom cancer, Donavan Chevannes is crediting God for bringing him this acold successful his combat against the illness that is simply a rarity successful men. 

The 58-year-old erstwhile chauffeur is inactive connected the roadworthy to recovery, but he's eagerly anticipating the time helium volition beryllium declared cancer-free and considered a "breast crab survivor". 

Until that time comes, Chevannes is thanking God for his mercies truthful far. 

"I wouldn't privation not adjacent my force to person this (breast cancer)... I person been warring from 2015 to 2022, and see, I americium inactive here... To God beryllium the glory, for large things helium has done," helium told Loop News in an interview.

The Guava Ridge, eastbound agrarian St Andrew nonmigratory did not cognize it was bosom crab until 2017, though helium was diagnosed with crab 2 years earlier.

He shared that helium has ever utilized deodorant and would get the occasional "bump" successful his armpit that would often disappear. However, connected 1 occasion, helium noticed that the bump came up and would not spell distant implicit time.

In 2015, Chevannes' wife, Lorna, nudged him to cheque retired the bump astatine their household doctor. The aesculapian practitioner prescribed a pick for it, arsenic it was initially thought to beryllium an abscess. 

However, the pick did not help, and the bump remained.

Chevannes said helium was instantly referred by his doc to the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) wherever a biopsy was done. The result: crab was detected.

"The doc said, 'You person cancer', and I asked, 'Really?', and helium said, 'Yes'," Chevannes recounted, adding that, initially, helium was not told what benignant of cancer.

He was successful a authorities of bewilderment.

"It deed maine successful a mode wherever I was conscionable reasoning it was a bump," helium said, adding that helium told his doc his hunch that it whitethorn person been caused by his deodorant.

The aesculapian doctor, however, dismissed that theory.

Guava Ridge, St Andrew nonmigratory Donavan Chevannes has been battling crab for the past 7 years.

As the quality sank in, said Chevannes, the fearfulness grew, but helium laid anchor connected his Christian faith.

"You know, I'm walking, and I'm talking to everybody conscionable the same. I was worried, but I enactment my spot successful God and conscionable permission it determination due to the fact that he's the one; helium is the occurrence worker," helium declared.

An assignment was made, and country done to region the lump successful the armpit aboriginal successful 2015. 

Two years later, the aesculapian practitioners advised Chevannes that they needed to bash different operation. He was besides formally advised that helium had bosom cancer.

He elaborated: "One of the time, they (doctors) were saying it was the crab of the tegument based connected wherever it was at, but they settled astatine bosom cancer, a precise uncommon happening among men." 

Chevannes besides explained that the doctors couldn't archer him astatine what signifier the crab was due to the fact that it wasn't moving and was not aggressive.

While the illness is uncommon successful males, representing astir 1 per cent of each crab cases successful the US, aesculapian practitioners person stressed the request for men to beryllium alert and study immoderate lumps connected the bosom oregon chest. 

Breast crab successful men usually presents itself arsenic a lump successful the chest, dimpling of the skin, oregon changes successful the nipple.

"They (the doctors) were saying to maine that we request to spell successful wider due to the fact that they don't cognize if it (cancer) dispersed implicit connected the different side, truthful they request to spell successful astatine a wider margin. 

"So, successful 2017, they chopped maine again, the aforesaid spot nether the arm, due to the fact that I'm not feeling immoderate symptom successful the bosom oregon anything," helium recounted. 

After that surgery, the begetter of 1 said helium was enactment connected medication. 

But his worries weren't over.

"In 2020, they said I person to bash different country due to the fact that that pill seemed it wasn't beardown enough, and it (cancer) came back. It was successful the lymph nodes," helium said.

By June 2020, Chevannes underwent different surgical operation, and lymph nodes affected by the crab were removed and sent overseas to beryllium tested. He said his member paid for that investigating to beryllium done. 

When they got the results, the doctors placed Chevannes connected chemotherapy. This progressive him being injected successful his limb and different successful the country of his abdomen. Additionally, helium started taking 1 tablet daily.

Chevannes, a subordinate of the Assemblies of the First Born International Church successful Guava Ridge, said his crab diagnosis was besides hard connected his family.

"[On 1 occasion] erstwhile my woman came to the hospital, she told maine she's walking, but she's not walking. It's similar she is not here, particularly erstwhile I bash the operations and americium to permission the infirmary and spell home. My God! They instrumentality it truthful hard," helium explained.

Despite the challenges, his woman and daughter, Chantae, proceed to play a captious relation for him.

So, too, his siblings, who besides offered important enactment successful his conquering bosom cancer.

He said that the National Health Fund was besides critical, arsenic it assisted with cutting the outgo of medications and different expenses.

Although helium has passed the worse since his past country successful 2020, helium inactive receives monthly chemotherapy attraction and takes his oral medications.

The 58-year-old acknowledged that though it is challenging astatine times, helium continues to travel his attraction routine. 

Donavan Chevannes is eagerly anticipating the time erstwhile helium is declared cancer-free.

"I'm inactive going done my betterment process. Some radical spell done theirs successful a precise abbreviated while, but excavation is precise long," disclosed Chevannes. 

"I don't person it successful my thoughts to springiness up, but you person the moments erstwhile you person immoderate dull moments based connected however you feel, because... immoderate of the times you person to emergence up successful the furniture and beryllium up based connected however you feel. 

"I've travel truthful acold now, and it's not arsenic atrocious arsenic before," helium stated.

Chevannes disclosed that helium did an ultrasound past week, and determination were affirmative signs. However, helium said helium would await the doctor's appraisal of the results earlier arriving astatine immoderate conclusions.

"It has been an uphill and a downhill conflict for me. I've had immoderate sleepless nights. But, you know, I person to conscionable spell done what I person to spell through," Chevannes said firmly.

He added: "The top happening is God is my grounds to everything. He is the 1 that brought maine through."

Chevannes, who was antecedently a chauffeur and present works arsenic a operator for a company, again underscored the value of friends and household successful his conflict with bosom cancer.

"All of these operations travel with a cost, and arsenic I said before, God ever enactment immoderate radical successful your country to marque things a small easier. 

"You person friends and family; those are the persons that travel successful and marque things easier. That is wherefore I support saying, 'To God beryllium the glory', due to the fact that helium ever makes a mode erstwhile determination is none'," helium said.

Chevannes is encouraging men to get screened for each forms of cancer.

"Get tested! If it is thing you tin observe early, it is amended for you, and you tin get treatment," helium advised.

He said household members should besides play a relation successful supporting their loved ones if crab is detected.

"What galore radical don't realise is that erstwhile you are going done a situation, they can't find what you're feeling, what you're going through, what is connected your mind, but it is champion for you to conscionable promote arsenic overmuch arsenic you can," helium urged. 

"It is the clip erstwhile families are expected to gully adjacent erstwhile you're going done specified a concern and assistance due to the fact that the words that you usage can... promote an idiosyncratic to spell on.

"They won't beryllium successful that signifier forever. In specified a clip similar that, household is astir important to you," Chevannes insisted.

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