A Special Type of Diet Can Reduce Symptoms of Dementia - SciTechDaily

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Alzheimers Dementia Brain Disease Concept

Initial information indicates that the fare is harmless for Alzheimer’s patients.

Short cycles of a low-calorie fare that mimics fasting appeared to little inflammation and hold cognitive diminution successful Alzheimer’s illness rodent models.

Cycles of a fare that simulates fasting look to lessen Alzheimer’s symptoms successful mice genetically engineered to make the disease, according to caller probe led by the University of Southern California (USC) Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

The survey was precocious published successful the diary Cell Reports

The team, led by Professor Valter Longo and included Professors Christian Pike and Pinchas Cohen, discovered that mice that had undergone respective cycles of the fasting-mimicking fare showed little Alzheimer’s pathology.  Lower levels of 2 important characteristics of the illness were discovered: amyloid beta, the main operator of plaque accumulation successful the brain, and hyperphosphorylated tau protein, which creates tangles successful the brain. They besides discovered that encephalon inflammation was reduced and mice performed amended connected cognitive tests erstwhile compared to mice fixed a regular diet.

The fasting-mimicking fare (FMD) is affluent successful unsaturated fats and debased successful full calories, protein, and carbs, and is intended to mimic the effects of a water-only accelerated portion inactive delivering indispensable nutrients. Previous probe led by Longo has shown that brief, periodic FMD cycles person a assortment of beneficial effects successful mice and humans, including the promotion of stem compartment regeneration, the simplification of chemotherapy broadside effects, and the simplification of hazard factors for cancer, diabetes, bosom disease, and different age-related diseases.

Promising results successful rodent models of Alzheimer’s

Alongside steadfast mice, the squad investigated 2 rodent models of Alzheimer’s, E4FAD and 3xTg. During the study, mice were fed the fasting-mimicking fare for 4 oregon 5 days doubly per period and were allowed to devour usually betwixt FMD cycles. In a semipermanent experimentation to spot the effects successful aged mice, 3xTg mice were placed connected the fare for 30 cycles successful 15 months. Shorter-term experiments successful some 3xTg and E4FAD mice ranged from a azygous FMD rhythm to 12 cycles successful 6 months.

In some models, mice who underwent FMD cycles showed promising reductions successful amyloid beta – which signifier the sticky, disruptive plaques successful the encephalon – and tau pathology compared to mice eating a modular diet. The FMD mice besides showed little levels of encephalon inflammation, including a simplification successful the fig of progressive microglia, the immune cells that question and destruct pathogens, and damaged cells successful the brain. In addition, mice connected the fare demonstrated a little level of oxidative stress, which plays a relation successful Alzheimer’s pathology by damaging neurons and contributing to the accumulation of amyloid successful the brain. The survey specifically pointed to the escaped extremist “superoxide” arsenic a cardinal culprit successful the harm occurring successful these Alzheimer’s rodent models, Longo explained.

Outwardly, mice of some Alzheimer’s models who underwent the FMD showed little cognitive diminution than their modular fare counterparts. Cognitive behavior, including exploration and show wrong mazes, was tested successful young mice earlier the dietary regimen began and again aft respective months of either a modular fare oregon twice-monthly FMD cycles. The Alzheimer’s mice fixed the FMD importantly outperformed the Alzheimer’s mice fixed modular diets and successful immoderate instances performed likewise to the non-Alzheimer’s-prone power mice, indicating that cognitive diminution had been importantly slowed.

The FMD cycles appeared effectual successful reversing a scope of pathology markers but besides cognitive defects successful 2 of the large rodent models for Alzheimer’s disease. Longo said that the results are promising.

A tiny objective survey explores the feasibility for humans

In summation to the survey successful mice, Longo and colleagues besides included information from a tiny Phase 1 objective proceedings of the fasting-mimicking fare successful quality patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment oregon mild Alzheimer’s disease. Forty specified patients who were different steadfast and had household enactment were randomized to either a once-monthly, 5-day fasting-mimicking fare oregon a 5-day play successful which luncheon oregon meal was replaced with a repast based connected pasta oregon rice.

Initial information indicates that the FMD is harmless and feasible for patients with mild impairment oregon aboriginal Alzheimer’s disease. Further tests successful the ongoing objective proceedings volition measurement cognitive performance, inflammation, and more, Longo said.

Other aboriginal trials of the fare published by Longo and colleagues person indicated different benefits of a monthly cycle, specified arsenic a nonaccomplishment of abdominous wide without nonaccomplishment of musculus wide and improved cardiometabolic hazard factors, particularly successful overweight oregon obese people.

Notably, successful a precocious published objective proceedings successful which Longo was a co-author, FMD cycles were associated with illness regression successful diabetes patients. Diabetes astir doubles the hazard of processing Alzheimer’s disease, per the Alzheimer’s Association.

Reference: “Fasting-mimicking fare cycles trim neuroinflammation to attenuate cognitive diminution successful Alzheimer’s models” by Priya Rangan, Fleur Lobo, Edoardo Parrella, Nicolas Rochette, Marco Morselli, Terri-Leigh Stephen, Anna Laura Cremonini, Luca Tagliafico, Angelica Persia, Irene Caffa, Fiammetta Monacelli, Patrizio Odetti, Tommaso Bonfiglio, Alessio Nencioni, Martina Pigliautile, Virginia Boccardi, Patrizia Mecocci, Christian J. Pike, Pinchas Cohen, Mary Jo LaDu, Matteo Pellegrini, Kyle Xia, Katelynn Tran, Brandon Ann, Dolly Chowdhury and Valter D. Longo, 27 September 2022, Cell Reports.
DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111417

The survey was funded by the National Institute connected Aging and the Italian Ministry of Health.

Longo is the laminitis of and has an ownership involvement successful L-Nutra; the company’s nutrient products are utilized successful studies of the fasting-mimicking diet. Longo’s involvement successful L-Nutra was disclosed and managed per USC’s conflict-of-interest policies. USC has an ownership involvement successful L-Nutra and the imaginable to person royalty payments from L-Nutra. USC’s fiscal involvement successful the institution has been disclosed and managed nether USC’s organization conflict-of-interest policies.

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