Action Blocks

1 year ago 39

Action Blocks makes regular actions easier with customizable buttons connected your Android location screen.

Powered by the Google Assistant, you tin easy acceptable up Action Blocks for a loved one. Action Blocks tin beryllium configured to bash thing the Assistant tin do, successful conscionable 1 tap: telephone a friend, ticker your favourite show, power the lights, and more.

Action Blocks tin besides beryllium configured to talk phrases. This tin beryllium particularly utile to radical with code and connection disorders to rapidly pass during urgent situations.

Built with the increasing fig of radical with age-related conditions and cognitive differences successful mind, Action Blocks tin besides beryllium utilized for radical with learning differences, oregon adjacent for adults who privation a precise elemental mode to entree regular actions connected their phones. Set it up for your family, friends, oregon for yourself.Action Blocks present features tens of thousands of representation connection symbols (PCS® by Tobii Dynavox), providing a seamless ocular acquisition for users of augmentative and alternate connection (AAC) devices and peculiar acquisition software.

Action Blocks whitethorn besides beryllium utile for anyone who could payment from an easier mode to execute regular actions connected their device, including individuals with dementia, aphasia, code disorder, autism, spinal cord injury, traumatic encephalon injury, Down syndrome, Parkinson's disease, indispensable tremor, dexterity impairments, oregon different conditions. People who usage adaptive switches, Switch Access, oregon Voice Access whitethorn besides benefit.

Action Blocks includes an Accessibility Service, and uses that capableness to alteration you to link a switch. If you don't privation to link a switch, it works good without enabling the service.

Learn much astir Action Blocks successful the Help Center:

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