Los Angeles — Movie prima Jeremy Renner, known for his relation arsenic Hawkeye successful respective Marvel blockbusters, was successful captious but unchangeable information pursuing an accident, his typical confirmed to CBS News. Renner had been plowing snowfall erstwhile helium suffered superior injuries, typical Sam Mast said.
"We tin corroborate Jeremy is successful captious but unchangeable information with injuries suffered aft experiencing a weather-related mishap portion plowing snowfall earlier today," Renner's typical said, confirming that the mishap took spot successful the Reno, Nevada area.
"His household is with him and helium is receiving fantabulous care," Mast added.
The Washoe County Sheriff's Office said successful a news release that Renner was injured was flown to a section infirmary aft suffering a "traumatic" injury. He was the lone idiosyncratic involved, and the sheriff's bureau is investigating.
Renner, 51, has been nominated for 2 Oscars for his roles successful "The Hurt Locker" and "The Town."
He has besides appeared arsenic Clint Barton, besides known arsenic superhero Hawkeye, successful respective Marvel films and a caller miniseries.
Renner owns spot adjacent Mt. Rose-Ski Tahoe, an country adjacent Reno, Nevada that has been hit by wintertime storms, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
He precocious posted connected societal media astir terrible upwind conditions successful the country astir Lake Tahoe, which borders California and Nevada and is simply a world-renowned skiing destination.
On December 13, Renner tweeted a photograph of a car buried by snowfall with the caption "Lake Tahoe snowfall is nary joke."
- In:
- Reno
- Marvel
- Snow Storm
- Nevada
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