AjnaLens: Upskilling Workforce Training with VR & Metaverse - Counterpoint Research

1 year ago 42

The India-based startup, AjnaLens, is 1 of the Indian players successful the XR (Extended Reality) abstraction joining the Metaverse revolution. Founded successful 2014, the co-founders person IIT and engineering backgrounds. Designing and manufacturing successful India, AjnaLens offers AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and Mixed Reality solutions with applications crossed antithetic sectors from accomplishment grooming to endeavor and adjacent the Indian defence sector.

We precocious got to walk immoderate clip astatine the AjnaLens bureau successful Mumbai to speech with the co-founders, recognize the merchandise offerings, and acquisition the solutions successful action.

The company’s ngo & services

The cardinal ngo of AjnaLens is to absorption connected upskilling the workforce and bridging the integer divide. The institution has joined hands with Tata Technologies to upgrade 150 ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) successful Karnataka, India; to upskill implicit 9000 students utilizing a VR-based simulator.

AjnaLens besides leverages technologies specified arsenic artificial quality and mixed world to upgrade defence limb systems and tanks to assistance summation the effectiveness of combat missions. The mixed world glasses tin beryllium mounted connected soldiers’ helmets, enabling them to efficiently transportation retired surveillance and security.

counterpoint ajnalens mixed world  headsetCredit – AjnaLens

Though the defence was conscionable a byproduct, it is present astir of their business. This military-grade Mixed Reality helmet besides includes features similar GPS for navigation, nighttime vision, LIDAR, Sonar, and thermal scanners.

There are 3 halfway merchandise applications:
• AR-glasses for enterprise
• Mixed Reality glasses for the military
• XR Station for VR grooming purposes

AjnaLens besides has its ain app marketplace wherever it tin customize apps based connected circumstantial lawsuit needs. The marketplace besides allows third-party app developers to taxable and people their apps. Using Android OS arsenic a base, AjnaLens has filed for implicit 15 nationalist & planetary patents successful augmented reality, and its algorithms are its concealed condiment for powering and integrating the full system.

The upskilling situation for industries

One of the biggest challenges facing industries is grooming the workforce with caller skills and capabilities. The post-COVID-19 hybrid and distant moving is making grooming adjacent much challenging. But with VR and metaverse, these challenges tin beryllium much easy overcome.

In VR training, similar that offered by AjnaLens, workers are instantly teleported to the occupation tract (or workshop). It is 1 of the astir effectual ways to make caller skills and bid the workforce. Scientific probe has proven that VR grooming is much wholly and readily absorbed by the encephalon than accepted classroom-type training.

VR grooming tin connection respective benefits, but the 2 important aspects are that it offers realistic simulations and the quality to thatch adjacent hard skills. And what amended illustration than a formation simulator wherever challenging exigency scenarios tin beryllium recreated for aviator training?

WATCH: AjnaLens VR Training – Teleporting Trainees to Job Site

AjnaLens VR for grooming institutes: Immersive & interactive mode of learning

  • The AjnaLens squad offered america a demo of its VR solution for grooming institutes, and we were near impressed.
  • The VR headset, AjnaLite 2, is tethered to a dedicated VR workstation called Ajna XR Station, and the bundle is scalable crossed antithetic usage cases; institutes conscionable request to load the grooming modules.
  • Currently, it supports a assortment of jobs specified arsenic welding, painting, fire, and information training.
  • With this 360-degree immersive environment, students oregon workers tin larn skills similar coating for automobiles and aviation.
  • Upon completing the tasks, students get instant grades and they tin signifier for an unlimited clip until they cleanable the processes.
  • As determination is nary request to person existent overgarment and car doors to larn painting, it allows organizations to greatly trim wide grooming costs.
  • For those who deterioration specs, the VR glasses person an adjustable dial to set the lens power.
  • The show is bright, and crisp and did not origin immoderate eye-fatigue issues during our constricted usage.
  • The VR glasses and instrumentality similar a spray weapon and the welding weapon person trackers to way your movement.

We were impressed with the coating occupation demo, and the precision of details with the space of spray and distance.

counterpoint ajnalens ar glasses

AjnaLens AR glasses for enterprise

  • AjnaLens besides has tethered AR glasses and ambient-aware (see-through) benignant features.
  • These are lightweight glasses that person a 2K display, speaker, and camera.
  • It has a 50-degree tract of presumption and tin beryllium utilized to make a virtual abstraction from the connected device.
  • These glasses are powered by tethering to a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC oregon above-powered smartphone, oregon a laptop oregon tablet utilizing a Type-C cable.
  • There is nary processing connected the glasses, it lone has MCUs for the camera, tracking, sensors, and audio.
  • This virtual abstraction tin person holograms and avatars, integer twins, web browsers, CAD designs, and Office apps.
  • Users tin besides instrumentality virtual squad calls implicit platforms similar Microsoft Teams oregon Zoom.
  • We did springiness it a effort and it was rather comfy to wear.
  • The show was agleam enough, and colour reproduction was bully too.

Overall, we were near impressed with the demos we saw astatine AjnaLens’ office, and with this hybrid enactment civilization and distant assistance usage cases, determination is country to turn and grow beyond India. AjnaLens is 1 of the companies successful the XR abstraction to ticker retired for.

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