Antonio Banderas famously portrayed the masked vigilante successful 1998’s movie The Mask of Zorro and its 2005 follow-up The Legend of Zorro. Banderas precocious opened up astir being crippled for a 3rd installment of the franchise and who helium would similar to walk connected the torch to play the titular character.
“Yes, I would, I would see that possibility, wherefore not?” Banderas told ComicBook of starring successful a 3rd film. “Yeah, I deliberation today, I said thing similar that to somebody. They asked maine astir Zorro. If they called maine to bash Zorro, I would bash what Anthony Hopkins did for me, which is to walk the torch.”
Banderas said that helium would similar to spot his Uncharted costar Tom Holland down the mask.
“I did Uncharted with him, and he’s truthful energetic and fun, and he’s got this spark too,” Banderas said. “Why not?”
Back successful 2016, manager Jonás Cuarón announced helium was working connected a Zorro reboot starring Gael García Bernál.
Although determination are nary factual plans to bring backmost Zorro successful its iteration with Banderas arsenic of now, the quality has been astatine the halfway of aggregate tv projects. Earlier this year, the CW had ordered six scripts for a female-led reimagination of the story. The classical masked vigilante quality hailed from filmmaker Robert Rodriguez, writer-director Rebecca Rodriguez, Sean Tretta (Mayans M.C.), Ben Silverman and Howard T. Owens’ Propagate and CBS Studios.
Wilmer Valderrama besides teased a caller amusement helium was moving connected for Disney+ teasing connected The Drew Barrymore Show successful May of this year, “This volition beryllium a Zorro for this generation. And it’ll beryllium incredibly thoughtful with its root story, and it’ll beryllium grounded successful authenticity.”
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