Apple Released new Ads today about two iPhone 14 Features covering 'Action Mode' and 'Unsend Messages' - Patently Apple

1 year ago 41

Apple Released caller Ads contiguous astir 2 iPhone 14 Features covering 'Action Mode' and 'Unsend Messages'

1 x screen  Action mode    iPhone 14

Apple released 2 caller ads today. The archetypal covers the iPhone 14's 'Action' mode that turns a shaky camera into creaseless video. Apple states: Relax, it's iPhone 14.

In the 2nd ad, Apple focuses connected the 'Unsend Messages' diagnostic connected iPhone 14. The advertisement is titled "iPhone 14 | R.I.P. Leon." Apple states: Unsend and edit message. Relax, it's iPhone.

10.0F - Apple News

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