Aroostook Community Matters: ACAP’s Home Energy Assistance program - WAGM

2 years ago 64

PRESQUE ISLE, Maine (WAGM) - Applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance programme are present available. On this week’s Community Matters Isaac Potter finds retired much astir the program.

The Home Energy Assistance Program is simply a debased income, supplementary programme to assistance radical who suffice for the income guidelines to little their expenses for heating during the wintertime season. Josh McAtee, the Heat manager astatine ACAP, says determination are 3 things that you request to suffice for the program.

Josh McAtee, Heat Manager astatine ACAP, says “The Three things you request to suffice for this programme is you request a permanently installed heating system, and you request to person that working. Then you request to autumn nether the income guidelines, which you find connected ACAP’s webpage oregon MaineHousing’s web page, oregon you tin conscionable springiness america a telephone present astatine the vigor hotline, and we volition acceptable you up for an interview. We are booking presently astir six weeks out, which is overmuch amended than past twelvemonth wherever we were booking 2-3 months out. So we truly person buckled down present astatine ACAP to effort and marque it much accessible to much radical earlier successful the heating play truthful radical aren’t freezing.”

McAtee says the process to use for assistance is beauteous simple.

Josh McAtee: “So we really bash the exertion for you, we conscionable inquire you the questions. We bash it either implicit the telephone oregon successful person. We besides bash successful location appointments, if idiosyncratic is not capable to marque it physically into the bureau oregon bash implicit the phone. We besides person doubled our unit this twelvemonth to let america to doubly arsenic galore applications. So acold we person helped 3,066 families applied for heating assistance, and that is much than doubly arsenic galore arsenic past year.”

Many of the radical who person received assistance accidental it is simply a immense alleviation for them.

Josh McAtee: “So thankful for this help, it was truly needed. Last twelvemonth we were fortunate capable that we got immoderate further backing to beryllium capable to springiness retired 2 benefits, and that was the archetypal clip that had truly happened. We don’t foresee that coming successful the future, truthful we are going to person to set that further magnitude of outgo for heat, due to the fact that it has astir doubled past year. Things haven’t gone down arsenic of close now, truthful we are going to effort and marque the champion of the dollars that we bash have.”

Funds for the programme volition not beryllium disposable until November,

For accusation astir the programme scope retired to ACAP. Isaac Potter, News Source 8

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