Artist creates Vincent van Gogh's world in 360-degree view, video wows netizens - Hindustan Times

2 years ago 66

Despite having an undistinguished life, Vincent van Gogh has go 1 of the astir influential and talked astir artists of the modern modern satellite owed to his paintings that picture however helium viewed and interpreted each scene. And adjacent aft 132 years of his death, his bequest continues to turn stronger. Now, a video that takes viewers connected a virtual stroll astir his colourful satellite is grabbing eyeballs and is simply a dainty for fans.

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"Vincent van Gogh's satellite successful virtual reality," work the caption of the video shared connected Twitter by a idiosyncratic who goes by Buitengebieden. The video takes radical connected a virtual circuit astir his satellite done immoderate of his celebrated artworks, including The Starry Night, Doctor Paul Gachet, Cafe Terrace astatine Night, At Eternity's Gate and The Night Cafe. The 360-degree presumption of Vincent van Gogh's satellite is attributed to creator Alejandro Vigilante.

Watch the viral video below:

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The video was posted a time agone and has since amassed 7.1 lakh views, and the numbers are lone increasing. The 360-degree instauration of Vincent van Gogh's paintings has prompted radical to stock varied thoughts.

"For my part, I cognize thing with immoderate certainty, but the show of the stars makes maine imagination - Vincent van Gogh," wrote an idiosyncratic portion sharing Gogh's paintings. "I was successful Auvers-sûr-Oise successful August. Saw his sedate and stood successful beforehand of wherever helium would've painted the church's," commented different full sharing photos. "This genuinely makes the net worthwhile," expressed a third. "Love it," shared a fourth.


Arfa Javaid is simply a writer moving with the Hindustan Times' Delhi team. She covers trending topics, quality involvement stories, and viral contented online....view detail

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