Baltimore prosecutors drop all charges against Adnan Syed, 'Serial' podcast subject - CNN

2 years ago 98

CNN  — 

Baltimore prosecutors connected Tuesday dropped each charges against Adnan Syed, the antheral who spent implicit 2 decades down bars for the 1999 sidesplitting of his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee and whose execution lawsuit was featured successful the landmark podcast “Serial.”

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said Tuesday she instructed her bureau to disregard the charges aft results of precocious DNA investigating from Lee’s shoes ruled retired Syed.

“The items that we tested had ne'er earlier been tested,” Mosby said. “We utilized precocious DNA to find that it was not Adnan Syed.”

She said the work for the condemnation belonged to past administrations, though she inactive apologized to Lee’s household arsenic good arsenic to Syed and his family.

“Equally heartbreaking is the symptom and sacrifice and trauma that has been imposed not conscionable connected (Lee’s) family, but Adnan and his family, who unneurotic spent 23 years imprisoned for a transgression arsenic a effect of a wrongful conviction,” she said.

Syed was freed from situation past period aft prosecutors without informing moved to vacate his execution conviction, saying they nary longer trusted it. Prosecutors had 30 days to determine whether to prosecute a caller proceedings and were waiting connected DNA investigation to find their adjacent steps.

The determination to driblet charges comes astir 23 years aft the disappearance of Lee, Syed’s ex-girlfriend and precocious schoolhouse classmate. Her strangled assemblage was discovered successful a metropolis wood 3 weeks later.

Syed, who was 17 astatine the clip of her death, was charged with her killing, convicted successful 2000 of first-degree murder, robbery, kidnapping and mendacious imprisonment and sentenced to beingness successful prison.

Yet helium has agelong maintained his innocence, and his communicative was featured successful the “Serial” podcast that raised questions astir the condemnation and his ineligible representation. The podcast reached a immense assemblage and acceptable disconnected a true-crime podcasting roar arsenic good arsenic further examinations of the case, including the HBO docuseries, “The Case Against Adnan Syed.”

Last month, prosecutors moved to vacate Syed’s execution conviction pursuing a astir yearlong investigation. Mosby said prosecutors were “not asserting, astatine this time, that Mr. Syed is innocent” but that the authorities “lacks assurance successful the integrity of the conviction.”

The reinvestigation of the lawsuit revealed grounds astir the imaginable engagement of 2 suspects different than Syed that was not decently turned implicit to defence attorneys, prosecutors said. The reinvestigation besides raised questions astir the reliability of compartment telephone information records, which were utilized to corroborate grounds of a witnesser who said helium helped Syed excavation a spread for the victim’s body.

Based connected the prosecution’s motion, a judge past period vacated the conviction and freed Syed, who walked retired of the courthouse to cheers and applause from supporters. He was ordered to deterioration an ankle show with tracking, according to Becky Feldman, main of the Sentencing Review Unit of the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office.

Erica Suter, Syed’s lawyer and manager of the Innocence Project Clinic, praised the determination to driblet charges arsenic agelong overdue.

“Finally, Adnan Syed is capable to unrecorded arsenic a escaped man. The DNA results confirmed what we person already known and what underlies each of the existent proceedings: that Adnan is guiltless and mislaid 23 years of his beingness serving clip for a transgression helium did not commit,” she said successful a statement.

“While the proceedings are not wholly over, this is an important measurement for Adnan, who has been connected location apprehension since the question to vacate was archetypal granted past month,” she added. “He inactive needs immoderate clip to process everything that has happened and we inquire that you supply him and his household with that space.”

The way to Syed’s merchandise began successful earnest past April, erstwhile attorneys for Syed brought the lawsuit to the attraction of the Sentencing Review Unit. A caller portion of authorities had allowed radical convicted of crimes arsenic juveniles to inquire for a modified condemnation aft they person served 20 years successful prison, Mosby’s bureau said.

That reappraisal revealed deeper problems with the lawsuit against Syed, though.

In particular, the prosecution discovered alternate suspects who were known astatine the clip of the archetypal probe “and were not decently ruled retired nor disclosed to the defense,” according to Mosby’s statement. The authorities has not disclosed the names of the suspects but said that, according to the proceedings file, 1 of them said, “He would marque her [Ms. Lee] disappear. He would termination her.”

The probe besides revealed that 1 fishy was convicted of attacking a pistillate successful her vehicle, according to the statement. The 2nd fishy was convicted of engaging successful serial rape and intersexual assault, the connection said.

Lee’s car was located “directly down the location of 1 of the suspect’s household members,” the connection said.

Prosecutors said they volition proceed to combat for justness for Lee’s family.

“We genuinely empathize with Hae Min Lee’s family, who believed they had solution and are present being re-traumatized by the misdeeds of the anterior prosecutors,” Zy Richardson, manager of communications for the Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City, said successful a statement.

“As administrators of the transgression justness system, our work is to guarantee that justness is done, and the close idiosyncratic is held accountable. We garbage to beryllium distracted from this cardinal work and volition ne'er springiness up successful our combat for the Lee family,” Richardson said.

Lee’s familly has said they were not notified successful a timely mode of the prosecution’s intent to vacate the charges. Young Lee, the victim’s brother, said helium felt “betrayed” by the state.

“This isn’t a podcast for me, it’s existent life,” Lee said during past month’s hearing.

Lee household lawyer Steve Kelly said the household was not asking for Syed to stay successful custody, but they did privation to spot the caller evidence.

“If the incorrect idiosyncratic has been down bars for 23 years, the Lee household and the remainder of the satellite privation to recognize what caller grounds has led to that conclusion,” Kelly said.

“If Mr. Syed has been wrongfully convicted for Hae Min Lee’s murder, the authorities of Maryland would request to instrumentality work for that bonzer miscarriage of justness and would request to bash everything imaginable to bring the existent slayer to justice. The Lee household deserves astatine slightest that much,” helium added.

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