Beebe family medicine residency taking shape for inaugural class -

2 years ago 77

The R. Randall Rollins Center for Medical Education astatine Beebe Healthcare has been readying for upcoming milestones successful mentation for the archetypal household medicine nonmigratory physicians and the 2nd radical of halfway objective field students successful July 2023.

These aesculapian students volition beryllium successful their 3rd twelvemonth of program from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and travel to Beebe for acquisition experiences successful household medicine, wide surgery, OB/GYN, psychology, cardiology, interior medicine, radiology, osteopathic manipulative medicine, and pediatrics with Beacon Pediatrics.

“This hands-on objective acquisition is captious to the acquisition of these aboriginal physicians, and we are honored to beryllium a portion of their aesculapian acquisition journey,” said Michael Kalil, DO, aesculapian manager for undergraduate aesculapian education.

Accreditation is expected this November for the household medicine residency, which volition statesman interviews with fourth-year aesculapian students this winter. In March, Beebe volition observe Match Day, erstwhile 4 nonmigratory physicians are matched with the residency program.

When the nonmigratory physicians travel to Beebe, they volition spot superior attraction patients nether the supervision of board-certified doc module members led by Joyce Robert, MD, FAAFP, Beebe Healthcare Family Medicine Residency programme director.

Robert has besides been awarded a fellowship with the National Institute for Program Director Development, portion of the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors. This nationally recognized fellowship accepts a tiny fig of programme participants each twelvemonth pursuing an exertion process. It is the golden modular for household medicine residency directors and volition allow  Robert to bring the champion practices for program design, programme development, teaching and standards of attraction successful world medicine.

“I’m thrilled to beryllium a portion of this mentorship truthful that Beebe’s module and residents person entree to the precise champion methods close present successful Sussex County,” said Robert.

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