Binocular eye tracking-based device is non-inferior to patching for the treatment of amblyopia - 2 Minute Medicine

1 year ago 34

1. In a tiny randomized controlled trial, children with amblyopia who utilized a recently developed binocular dichoptic location instrumentality had akin ocular acuity astatine 16 weeks to children whose ascendant oculus was patched.

2. Treatment adherence was importantly higher successful the instrumentality radical than the patching group, astatine 91% compared to 83%.

Evidence Rating Level: 1 (Excellent)

Study Rundown: Amblyopia is simply a communal upset successful which imaginativeness is poorer successful 1 oculus owed to abnormalities during ocular development, specified arsenic uneven refractive mistake oregon strabismus. It is traditionally treated with monocular therapy, penalizing the ascendant oculus with patches oregon dilating drops, but successful caller years, respective caller binocular attraction methods person been developed. Children are presented with dichoptic (separate for each eye) images that are blurred successful the ascendant oculus portion stimulating the amblyopic eye. This survey aimed to measure the efficacy of 1 specified device, CureSight, compared to patching. A full of 103 patients with amblyopia were randomized to attraction with CureSight oregon patching for 16 weeks. At week 16, ocular acuity successful the amblyopic oculus had importantly improved successful some groups, by 0.28±0.13 logMAR units successful the CureSight radical and 0.23±0.14 successful the patching group, gathering the superior endpoint of non-inferiority. Visual acuity successful the bulk of patients successful some groups improved by 2 lines oregon more. Stereoacuity, representing usage of some eyes, besides improved importantly successful some groups but did not disagree betwixt groups. Adherence to attraction based connected full attraction clip was 91% successful the CureSight radical and 83% successful the patching group. This tiny randomized proceedings convincingly showed non-inferiority to patching, making the CureSight instrumentality 1 of the astir rigorously studied of the precocious developed binocular attraction systems and truthful a utile caller attraction option. While adherence was importantly higher with the device, however, it is acold much costly and analyzable to instrumentality than patching without showing superior ocular acuity oregon stereoacuity outcomes astatine 16 weeks.

Click to work the survey successful Ophthalmology

Relevant Reading: Recent advances successful screening and attraction for amblyopia

In-Depth [randomized controlled trial]: Children aged 4 to 9 astatine aggregate centers successful Israel with champion corrected ocular acuity betwixt 20/32 and 20/100 successful the amblyopic oculus were randomized 1:1, past treated betwixt 2020 and 2022. Patients with amblyopia owed to ample space strabismus oregon changes successful medicine successful the erstwhile 16 weeks were excluded. Children successful the CureSight radical watched videos connected a machine done glasses that selectively blurred cardinal imaginativeness successful the ascendant oculus based connected input from an oculus tracker. CureSight attraction was for 90 minutes, 5 days per week, portion patching was for 2 hours, 7 days per week. About fractional of patients had antecedently undergone patching, portion fractional had ne'er been treated. The superior non-inferiority result was based connected a modified intention-to-treat analysis, but ocular acuity quality did not importantly disagree successful a per-protocol investigation either. The quality betwixt CureSight and patching groups successful least-squares mean betterment successful amblyopic-eye ocular acuity astatine 16 weeks was 0.034 logMAR units, with a 90% assurance interval (CI) of -0.008 to 0.076, little than the pre-defined non-inferiority borderline of -0.10 logMAR units. The quality betwixt groups successful alteration successful stereoacuity was 0, with a 95% CI of -0.27 to 0.27 (p=0.76). The quality successful binocular ocular acuity betterment astatine 16 weeks was besides not significant.

Image: PD

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