Bittersweet: artificial sweeteners and the gut microbiome -

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In a objective trial, non-nutritive sweeteners — which are supposedly inert — were shown to disrupt the gut microbiome of steadfast radical and impair glucose tolerance.

The replacement of sugar-sweetened beverages with non-nutritive sweetened beverages whitethorn lend to a simplification successful assemblage value and assemblage fat4, but concerns astir the toxicity of sweeteners and their interaction connected the encephalon were archetypal raised much than a decennary ago5. There is simply a astonishing irony successful the information that these sweeteners are present suspected of being progressive successful the deterioration of glucose tolerance — contempt their expected neutral interaction successful metabolic diseases.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Nutrition and Obesities–Systemic Approaches Research Unit, Sorbonne Université, INSERM, Paris, France

    Tiphaine Le Roy & Karine Clément

  2. Department of Nutrition, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Assistance Publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France

    Karine Clément

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Correspondence to Karine Clément.

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Le Roy, T., Clément, K. Bittersweet: artificial sweeteners and the gut microbiome. Nat Med (2022).

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  • Published: 02 November 2022

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