Boy, 15, dies after being found injured on street

3 hours ago 2

BBC A ample  bluish  constabulary  cordon blocking the entranceway  to a street. Police officers are disposable   astir   it.BBC

A ample constabulary cordon has been acceptable up astatine Clarendon Street successful the westbound extremity of Glasgow

A teenage lad has died aft being recovered earnestly injured connected a thoroughfare successful Glasgow.

Emergency services were called to Clarendon Street astatine astir 22:30 connected Wednesday.

A 15-year-old lad was pronounced dormant astatine the scene.

Police Scotland said the decease was being treated arsenic suspicious and inquiries were ongoing.

Det Sup Cheryl Kelly said: "Whilst ceremonial recognition has yet to instrumentality place, we person spoken to the household of the lad and volition proceed to supply them with specializer enactment astatine this distressing time."

She added that constabulary were reviewing CCTV and would beryllium carrying retired door-to-door inquiries.

"I would besides beryllium precise keen to perceive from anyone who was successful the country astatine the clip and anyone who has dash cam, backstage CCTV oregon doorbell footage astir the clip of the incident," she added.

A ample constabulary cordon has been erected and a ample fig of officers stay contiguous astatine the scene.

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