Bronze Age gold torc discovered in field near Mistley

1 year ago 21

Bronze Age golden  torcImage source, Colchester and Ipswich Museum Service

Image caption,

Precious objects similar this damaged torc were often buried connected their own

By Katy Prickett

BBC News, East

A conception of a Bronze Age twisted golden torc has been recovered successful a tract by a metallic detectorist.

The 3,000-year-old fragment was discovered adjacent Mistley, connected the River Stour successful Essex, and has been declared treasure by a coroner.

Finds liaison serviceman Lori Rogerson said contempt being made of prehistoric golden "it could person been made yesterday", which is "mind blowing".

It was besides the "first ever" torc "reported arsenic treasure from Essex".

Miss Rogerson said: "Gold metalwork from the Bronze Age is uncommon from Essex.

"It's ever bully to enactment with prehistoric gold, but you person to punctual yourself it is implicit 3,000 years old."

  • No hunt tin statesman until support has been fixed by the landowner
  • All finds beryllium to the landowner
  • Any find successful England, Wales and Northern Ireland that is much than 300 years old, made of golden oregon silver, oregon recovered with golden oregon metallic artefacts, could beryllium treasure under the 1996 Treasure Act
  • These indispensable beryllium reported to the appropriate region finds liaison officer

Source: Portable Antiquities Scheme

The detectorist reported the find to the Portable Antiquities Scheme 3 years ago.

British Museum experts confirmed it was made from astatine slightest 75% gold, astir 18% metallic and immoderate copper.

The torc, which is 147mm-long (5.7in) long, was crafted from a rectangular rod with 4 grooves chopped into it.

Miss Rogerson said a "highly skilled" goldsmith worked connected it and "would person had to twist it, it's a truly brushed worldly truthful it is astatine hazard of tearing,"

"He oregon she would person known conscionable the close constituent to halt earlier it broke, portion getting those twists in," she added.

The point comes from the Middle Bronze property and dates to astir 1300BC.

Colchester Museum hopes to get it.

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