Bruno 'can't wait to get back to work' after illness

1 week ago 10

Former satellite heavyweight boxing champion Frank Bruno says helium "can't hold to get backmost to work" aft falling sick connected a level and being taken to hospital.

The 63-year-old spent astir 2 weeks successful a infirmary successful Doha aft becoming unwell, external connected a formation that took disconnected from Heathrow connected 3 March.

The boxer said connected X, external: "Morning, truthful my unwellness communicative is out! Now you cognize wherefore I person been quiescent connected societal media.

"The past 3 weeks person been tough, particularly not knowing what was incorrect with maine and a viral corruption tin mean loads of things.

"The bureau tells maine already this greeting I person had hundreds of messages from well-wishers truthful convey you. Can't hold to get backmost to work."

An 'Evening with Frank Bruno' lawsuit that was scheduled for this Sunday successful Manchester has been postponed.

Bruno won 40 of his 45 nonrecreational fights betwixt 1982 and 1996, beating American Oliver McCall successful 1995 to triumph the WBC heavyweight title.

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