Butte County Elections using new device to open envelopes quicker - Action News Now

1 year ago 33

The caller instrumentality volition let predetermination workers to unfastened astir 5,000 ballots per day, utilizing little than fractional the magnitude of radical it utilized to request to unfastened envelopes.

BUTTE COUNTY, Calif. - It is conscionable 2 weeks distant from Election Day and Butte County is already starting to number ballots. This election, the Butte County Elections Office has added a caller ballot extractor instrumentality to assistance marque the process much efficient.

“This is simply a process that took 9 oregon 12 radical before, and present we are doing it with 3 of four,” said Manager of Butte County Elections Keaton Denlay.

Ballot Extractor Device

The instrumentality opens up each azygous envelope faster than a person, oregon respective radical can.

"It opens the envelope connected 2 sides,” said Denlay. “The apical and the broadside and past it uses benignant of a vacuum exertion to unfastened the envelope and let our unit to region the ballots from inside."

From there, the ballot goes to a squad of 3 who flatten it retired and cheque for thing that would origin the ballot to beryllium miscounted.

"That is our mode of ensuring the voters votes are recorded accurately,” Denlay told Action News Now.

He said the instrumentality volition let them to unfastened astir 5,000 ballots per day. So far, the bureau has received astir 11,000 ballots.

The Butte County Registrar of Voters said determination are present astir 124,000 registered voters successful Butte County.

A reminder that you bash not request a stamp to message your ballot, but it does request to beryllium postmarked by Nov. 8.

If you usage a unafraid driblet box, it has to beryllium dropped disconnected earlier 8 p.m. connected Election Day.

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