California inmate dies in prison attack, making him third in 11 days: police - Fox News

2 years ago 60

Two inmates astatine a Northern California situation killed different inmate connected Friday, authorities said, the 3rd lawsuit successful nether 2 weeks that an inmate was killed portion jailed successful the state.

The latest sidesplitting happened astatine High Desert State Prison, officials said. Inmates William Lutts, 39, and Timothy Smith, 40, attacked chap inmate Terence Coleman, 51.

Coleman died pursuing the onslaught and officials are investigating the death arsenic a homicide.

Lutts besides was earnestly injured and taken to an extracurricular hospital, portion Smith was moved to an isolation portion portion the lawsuit is investigated.


Authorities accidental    inmate Terence Coleman was attacked by chap  inmates William Lutts and Timothy Smith astatine  High Desert State Prison, Friday, Oct. 14, 2022, and that helium  died from his injuries. Officials are investigating the decease  arsenic  a homicide.

Authorities accidental inmate Terence Coleman was attacked by chap inmates William Lutts and Timothy Smith astatine High Desert State Prison, Friday, Oct. 14, 2022, and that helium died from his injuries. Officials are investigating the decease arsenic a homicide. (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation via AP)

Last week, two inmates serving beingness sentences died after being attacked astatine California prisons, officials said astatine the time, 1 astatine Salinas Valley State Prison and the different astatine California State Prison, Sacramento, commonly known arsenic New Folsom.

All 3 men successful the latest incidental person lengthy transgression histories.

This Sept. 25, 2020, photograph  provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows inmate William Lutts.

This Sept. 25, 2020, photograph provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows inmate William Lutts. (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation via AP)

Coleman had been serving a condemnation of beingness with the anticipation of parole from Yolo County battle and robbery charges aft 2 erstwhile burglary convictions. While successful prison, helium was sentenced to an further 12 years for voluntary manslaughter.

Lutts was serving an 18-year word from Tuolumne County for battle with a firearm connected a peace serviceman oregon firefighter. While successful prison, helium was sentenced to different 9 years for battle with a deadly limb arsenic a 2nd striker. This twelvemonth helium was convicted of making oregon possessing deadly limb and sentenced to 2 much years.

This Sept. 25, 2020, photograph  provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows inmate Timothy Smith.

This Sept. 25, 2020, photograph provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation shows inmate Timothy Smith. (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation via AP)


Smith is serving a beingness condemnation with the anticipation of parole for a San Joaquin County execution and attempted murder. He had a erstwhile four-year condemnation for evading a constabulary serviceman causing decease oregon large bodily injury, conveyance theft, and nonaccomplishment to look successful court. He subsequently had different four-year condemnation for burglary and conveyance theft.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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