Cape Coral Comcast internet restoration timeline - FOX 4 News Fort Myers WFTX

2 years ago 84

CAPE CORAL, Fla. — More than 2 weeks aft Hurricane Ian devastated Southwest Florida, thousands are inactive without internet.

Comcast released an estimated timeline for erstwhile antithetic areas tin expect their net to travel backmost on, with Cape Coral slated for this weekend.

Mindy Kramer says a monumental task lies up for Comcast.

The situation is getting net backmost for thousands of their customers near without net aft Hurricane Ian.

Progress is delivered by a squad of astir 2 1000 technicians and engineers, moving to bring residents backmost online by a self-imposed deadline.

I took the clip to inquire Kramer astir gathering Saturday’s deadline of restoring net to the residents of Cape Coral.

She said, “we’re decidedly assured that today’s deadline volition beryllium met successful presumption of 90 percent of the customers successful the cape coral country volition get their services backmost astatine immoderate constituent today.”

And for the different 10 percent not backmost connected they tin telephone 1-800-Xfinity oregon spell to

Comcast has brought successful a mobile WiFi van for those without net close present it is located astatine the Walmart Supercenter connected Del Prado Boulevard successful Cape Coral.

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