Cardinal Pell: No state funeral in Victoria due to victim distress

2 years ago 71

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Cardinal George Pell was Australia's highest ranking Catholic cleric

By Tiffanie Turnbull

BBC News, Sydney

Australian Cardinal George Pell - who was convicted past acquitted of kid enactment maltreatment - volition not beryllium offered a authorities ceremonial successful his location authorities to debar distress for victims of abuse, the state's premier says.

The erstwhile Vatican treasurer died connected Tuesday aged 81.

He is Australia's highest ranking Catholic, and the astir elder clergyman ever jailed for kid enactment offences.

State funerals are often offered to notable nationalist figures successful Australia.

But the premier of Victoria - wherever Cardinal Pell was calved and spent astir fractional his vocation - said nary specified ceremonial would instrumentality spot there.

"I couldn't deliberation of thing much distressing for unfortunate survivors," Daniel Andrews told reporters connected Thursday.

Mr Andrews besides said helium was improbable to be the cleric's funeral.

Officials successful New South Wales, wherever the Cardinal served arsenic Archbishop of Sydney, person besides said they volition not connection the honour, section media report.

Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has besides declined to accidental whether helium volition be the cardinal's funeral.

Cardinal Pell was Australia's astir almighty Catholic, but helium was reviled by galore successful Australia.

During a vocation spanning six decades, helium worked his mode done the ranks of the Church successful Victoria, serving arsenic Archbishop of some Melbourne and past Sydney, earlier helium became 1 of the Pope's apical aides.

He was summoned to Rome successful 2014 to cleanable up the Vatican's finances, and was often described arsenic the Church's third-ranked official.

But the cleric near his station successful 2017, returning to Australia to look proceedings connected kid enactment maltreatment charges.

A assemblage successful 2018 recovered helium had abused 2 boys portion Archbishop of Melbourne successful the 1990s.

Cardinal Pell, who ever maintained his innocence, spent 13 months successful situation earlier the High Court of Australia quashed the verdict successful 2020, uncovering the assemblage had not decently considered each the grounds astatine his trial.

Even earlier helium faced charges, the cleric was a lightning rod for choler successful Australia implicit the Church's nonaccomplishment to tackle the kid enactment maltreatment crisis.

A landmark enquiry recovered that he knew of kid intersexual maltreatment by priests successful Australia arsenic aboriginal arsenic the 1970s but failed to instrumentality action, thing helium says is "not supported by evidence".

The cleric besides faced disapproval arsenic an designer of the Australian Church's archetypal unfortunate compensation scheme, which survivors accidental was designed to support the Church from ample payouts and lacked empathy.

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