Certain Foods Reduce Weight and Hot Flashes in Menopausal Women by 88% - Neuroscience News

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Summary: Switching to a fare debased successful carnal products and fats, precocious successful vegetables, and adding a serving of soybeans reduced blistery flashes and accrued value nonaccomplishment successful menopausal women by up to 88%.

Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

A new study, published by the North American Menopause Society successful the journal Menopause, recovered that a fare involution is astir arsenic effectual (88%) as hormone replacement therapy (70%-90%) for reducing menopausal blistery flashes, without the associated health risks.

The WAVS trial—the Women’s Study for the Alleviation of Vasomotor Symptoms—found that a plant-based fare affluent successful soy reduced mean to terrible blistery flashes by 88% and helped women lose, connected average, 8 pounds successful 12 weeks.

“We bash not afloat recognize yet wherefore this operation works but it seems that these 3 elements are key—avoiding carnal products, reducing fat, and adding a serving of soybeans,” explains pb researcher Neal Barnard, MD, president of the Physicians Committee and adjunct prof astatine the George Washington University School of Medicine.

“Our results reflector the diets of places successful the world, similar pre-Westernized Japan and modern-day Yucatán Peninsula, wherever a low-fat, plant-based fare including soybeans is much prevalent and wherever postmenopausal women acquisition less symptoms.”

The survey published contiguous is the 2nd signifier of a two-part trial, the archetypal of which was besides published in Menopause in 2021. The autumn timing of the archetypal proceedings raised the question of whether this symptomatic betterment mightiness person been attributed to cooler temperatures. But women who began the survey arsenic upwind warmed up successful the outpouring had the aforesaid benefit, ruling retired the effect of extracurricular temperature.

They were randomly assigned either to an involution group—consisting of a low-fat, vegan diet, including fractional a cupful of cooked soybeans daily—or to a power radical that made nary fare changes for 12 weeks. Image is successful the nationalist domain

“These caller results suggest that a fare alteration should beryllium considered arsenic a first-line attraction for troublesome vasomotor symptoms, including nighttime sweats and blistery flashes,” explains Dr. Barnard.

Included successful the study were 84 postmenopausal women reporting 2 oregon much blistery flashes per day. They were randomly assigned either to an involution group—consisting of a low-fat, vegan diet, including fractional a cupful of cooked soybeans daily—or to a power radical that made nary fare changes for 12 weeks.

“This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a dietary involution for menopausal symptoms,” Dr. Barnard explains. “As well, it is precisely the fare that would beryllium expected to trim the wellness concerns of galore women reaching menopause: an expanding hazard of bosom disease, bosom cancer, and representation problems.”

About this fare and menopause probe news

Author: Noah Kauffman
Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Contact: Noah Kauffman – Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Image: The representation is successful the nationalist domain

Original Research: Open access.
A dietary involution for vasomotor symptoms of menopause: a randomized, controlled trial” by Neal Barnard et al. Menopause


A dietary involution for vasomotor symptoms of menopause: a randomized, controlled trial


Postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms disrupt prime of life. This survey tested the effects of a dietary involution connected vasomotor symptoms and menopause-related prime of life.


Postmenopausal women (n = 84) reporting astatine slightest 2 moderate-to-severe blistery flashes regular were randomly assigned, successful 2 successive cohorts, to an involution including a low-fat, vegan diet and cooked soybeans (½ cupful [86 g] daily) oregon to a power radical making nary dietary changes. During a 12-week period, a mobile exertion was utilized to grounds blistery flashes (frequency and severity), and vasomotor, psychosocial, physical, and intersexual symptoms were assessed with the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire. Between-group differences were assessed for continuous (t tests) and binary (χ2/McNemar tests) outcomes. In a survey subsample, urinary equol was measured aft the depletion of ½ cupful (86 g) of cooked full soybeans doubly regular for 3 days.


In the involution group, moderate-to-severe blistery flashes decreased by 88% (P < 0.001) compared with 34% for the power radical (P < 0.001; between-group P < 0.001). At 12 weeks, 50% of completers successful the involution radical reported nary moderate-to-severe blistery flashes astatine all. Among controls, determination was nary alteration successful this adaptable from baseline (χ2 test, P < 0.001). Neither seasonality nor equol accumulation presumption was associated with the grade of improvement. The involution radical reported greater reductions successful the Menopause-Specific Quality of Life questionnaire vasomotor (P = 0.004), carnal (P = 0.01), and intersexual (P = 0.03) domains.


A dietary involution consisting of a plant-based diet, minimizing oils, and regular soybeans importantly reduced the frequence and severity of postmenopausal blistery flashes and associated symptoms.

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