Challenges Alarm Clock

1 year ago 37

Challenges Alarm Clock is the champion alarm timepiece for radical however can't get retired of furniture with the elemental idea, been arsenic annoying and hard to disregard arsenic helium can.

This app has been designed to beryllium elemental to acceptable up but besides almighty capable truthful you tin person a astute alarm timepiece that tin bash astonishing things similar recognizing elemental objects similar toothbrush, shoes, animals, and smiles connected a representation truthful you person to aftermath to laugh, adjacent by force, oregon simply solving puzzles similar mathematics equations, memory, and series games to halt the alarm.

Challenges and Games (Math, Memory, Sequence, Retype, Picture, Smile, and Pose)
Disable/limit fig of snoozes
Multiple media (Ringtone, Alarm songs, oregon music)
Dark theme for the app
Prevent idiosyncratic from crook off the telephone oregon uninstall the alarm
Smooth summation volume
Extra large volume

You tin customize this alarm timepiece anyhow you like:

Adding Challenges

This alarm timepiece comes with a batch of challenges (like a puzzle, games, taking pictures) that gives you tasks truthful you can't disregard the alarm and spell backmost sleep.

You tin besides adhd multiples challenges to your alarm. That way, erstwhile the alarm starts, random challenges volition beryllium assigned to the alarm and you ne'er get bored.

Some of the tasks to the alarm are:

Picture Challenge

Using immoderate AI stuff, the app tin admit a pre-select database of objects and can't crook disconnected the alarm until you instrumentality pictures of pre-chosen objects oregon animals.

For example, ever hide to portion water? Add a situation to instrumentality a representation of a cupful erstwhile it triggers truthful erstwhile it starts you person to basal up and portion water.

Smile Challenge

Simple similar that, you person to aftermath up with a large smile, a immense one, and instrumentality a selfie. If you don't amusement each of your teeth to the camera, the alarm volition ne'er spell out. Jokes publication is recommended for this challenge

Memory Game

The classical representation game. Configure the committee with the fig of cards you privation and, erstwhile the alarm starts, lucifer the pairs connected the committee until you find retired each the couples.

Math Challenge

If you deliberation aftermath up aboriginal is annoying, ideate waking up aboriginal having to lick a mathematics problem. Happily, that is the lawsuit 😁. Choose betwixt levels of a mathematics occupation to lick erstwhile the alarm goes disconnected and fry your encephalon out, trying to find retired the close number.

Retype Game

The app shows a database of characters astatine random and you person to constitute it successful the nonstop order. Seems simple, but effort to bash that arsenic soon arsenic you aftermath up and see

Sequence Game

Complete this puzzle by tapping the shapes astatine the aforesaid bid arsenic it shines. Don't interest if you don't retrieve each astatine first, the alarm tin repetition the series arsenic galore times you want.

Pose Challenge

Put the camera successful a bully spot and bash immoderate pose, similar yoga, to the camera.


Disable snooze oregon bounds it, truthful you person to implicit the challenges, oregon alteration the snooze duration to a tiny one, truthful you don't person immoderate clip to rest.


Don't similar your telephone vibrating similar brainsick erstwhile waking up? Me neither, that's wherefore you person the enactment to disable it from the alarm and conscionable perceive to the beauteous song.


Choose betwixt your favourite music, your telephone ringtones, oregon nary dependable astatine each to aftermath up and configure the measurement you privation the media.

Soft wake

The media you take volition summation the measurement mildly until the dependable you configured.

Dark mode

Change the taxable of the app betwixt airy and acheronian mode immoderate mode you like.

Smooth summation volume

The measurement of the alarm increases gradually until max, truthful you aftermath up gracefully

Extra large volume

It volition override the telephone volume, summation it, and fastener to its max.

Annoying mode

This enactment volition not fto you uninstall the app oregon crook disconnected the phone. The lone mode to beryllium escaped of the alarm is to implicit the challenges

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