Charlotte station drives home the 'point' in weather promo - NewscastStudio

1 year ago 34

WJZY successful Charlotte, North Carolina, is promoting its Pinpoint Weather franchise with a cheerful, upbeat promo that incorporates elephantine versions of the representation marker-like icon recovered successful its logo. 

The station, a Nexstar-owned Fox affiliate, rebranded its newscasts nether the sanction “Queen City News” successful January 2022.

“In each game, each it takes is 1 — constituent — to win,” the promo begins with the representation of the Bank of America Stadium and a elephantine mentation of the representation marker falling from the entity and landing successful the mediate of the field.

“Winning the time is nary different,” says main meteorologist Tara Lane.

There is past a operation of shots of antithetic upwind endowment astatine locations crossed the city, with the ample marker marking a constituent determination successful the scene.

The marker is shown successful mixed reality-style successful the consciousness that it casts shadows and reflections connected the surrounding environment, has vehicles walk successful beforehand of it and, astatine 1 point, adjacent has a level alert done the spread successful the middle.


Also included are aggregate posed shots of the station’s upwind squad successful assorted spots astir The Green, a tiny parkland located successful downtown Charlotte. 

Each forecaster takes a crook speaking on-camera astir however the presumption devotes much clip and assets s to weather, ensuring accuracy.”

“With facts, getting consecutive to the constituent with applicable clime science,” Elisa Raffa says. 

“Doing upwind better. That’s the point,” Lane says toward the end, utilizing a play connected the connection “point.”

The spot uses a fast-paced philharmonic been with “I tin bash it better” lyrics slipped successful for little moments, though it’s not instantly wide wherever that comes from. There are aggregate songs that look to usage the line, but nary of them lucifer the dependable of what’s successful the promo, and it’s imaginable it’s taken from a accumulation euphony library.

The Pinpoint Weather banner isn’t utilized arsenic often arsenic immoderate different on-air branding, but it’s inactive reasonably communal crossed the U.S., with galore stations utilizing it on with a absorption connected “hyperlocal” forecasting tools specified arsenic exertion that tin foretell erstwhile a storefront volition scope circumstantial cities oregon adjacent neighborhoods. 

WJZY’s Pinpoint Weather icon, which forms the “O” arsenic good arsenic an angled accent successful the logo lockup, has similarities to Google’s celebrated reddish representation marker, which is trademarked, though it’s not uncommon to spot akin designs utilized successful a assortment of applications. The station, similar galore different organizations utilizing akin icons, has modified the signifier to region the curves earlier the constituent forms.

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