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People connected debased incomes volition person a Cold Weather Payment from the authorities arsenic freezing temperatures expanse parts of the UK.
Benefit claimants crossed hundreds of postcodes successful England and Wales volition person £25 implicit the adjacent 2 weeks.
The Cold Weather Payment is triggered if mean temperatures deed freezing oregon beneath for 7 days successful a row.
Payments volition beryllium made to homes crossed north-east England, Cumbria, westbound Wales and arsenic acold southbound arsenic Oxfordshire.
In December, galore homes successful England, Wales and Northern Ireland received wealth erstwhile determination was a tally of highly acold weather.
The caller acold drawback sent temperatures plunging arsenic debased arsenic -9.7C successful Benson, Oxfordshire, portion immoderate parts of Scotland person been comparatively mild astatine 10.1C.
Separately, up to 1 cardinal households successful England. Scotland and Wales volition beryllium paid to usage little energy connected Monday to debar blackouts.
National Grid volition tally its alleged Demand Flexibility Service, which gives radical a discount connected their bills if they hold vigor intensive tasks specified arsenic utilizing the washing instrumentality oregon the oven astatine highest times.