Connecting the Field of Medicine at MEDICA - News-Medical.Net

1 year ago 41

Skyla BailyInterview conducted by Oct 26 2022

NewsMedical spoke with Christian Grosser, Director of the MEDICA and COMPAMED commercialized fairs occurring successful Düsseldorf this November. In this interview, we sermon the value of commercialized shows successful the healthcare manufacture and what MEDICA has to connection attendees. 

Please tin you present yourself and archer america astir your relation astatine MEDICA / MEDICAlliance?

My sanction is Christian Grosser and arsenic Director I americium liable for the MEDICA and COMPAMED commercialized fairs astatine the Düsseldorf location. In this function, I besides coordinate Messe Düsseldorf's worldwide aesculapian commercialized just activities, which we marketplace uniformly nether the umbrella marque MEDICAlliance.

MEDICA is simply a portion of MEDICAlliance, which brings aesculapian commercialized shows to a planetary assemblage by providing conferences and resources worldwide. What are the ambitions of MEDICAlliance and MEDICA that person led to specified a globally-minded approach?

In summation to the starring planetary commercialized fairs MEDICA and COMPAMED, which bring unneurotic visitors from 150 nations and exhibitors from astir 70 countries astatine the Düsseldorf determination each year, our attack is to besides connection companies successful the aesculapian exertion manufacture and the healthcare assemblage suitable platforms for bully concern successful different booming continental and determination markets. Here, for the payment of our exhibitors, we lend each our expertise and decades of acquisition successful selling and staging healthcare events, incidentally gathering connected a planetary web of overseas representatives and subsidiaries.

Image Credit: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

MEDICA was archetypal established successful 1969 and, since then, has been bringing unneurotic planetary experts to accelerate healthcare. Since your archetypal commercialized fair, however has the healthcare manufacture changed?

As successful different industries, the healthcare concern has go overmuch much planetary and marketplace structures person besides changed. Companies successful the aesculapian exertion manufacture are progressive successful galore much countries than successful earlier years. This besides means that they are entering into practice crossed nationalist borders with respect to the manufacture and organisation of devices and products.

At the aforesaid time, the strength of contention has increased. This is due to the fact that the healthcare marketplace has been a competitory maturation marketplace for galore years, based connected an ageing nine combined with expanding prosperity successful the concern nations and astir emerging countries. This results successful terms unit connected the 1 hand, but besides successful an accrued predisposition towards innovation connected the different hand, successful bid to beryllium capable to (at slightest partially) flight excessively pugnacious terms contention done merchandise performance, instrumentality and particularly customer-oriented service.

On the request side, determination has been a attraction successful galore countries. In Germany, for example, the fig of clinics is declining. At the aforesaid time, nationalist hospitals are mostly organised successful ample purchasing groups and backstage infirmary groups person besides go important marketplace players. A comparable concern tin beryllium observed successful the laboratory sector. A precocious proportionality of services is handled by a manageable fig of ample laboratories. All this is besides reflected successful the improvement of aesculapian commercialized fairs.

Strong visitant maturation has fixed mode to an accrued decision-maker orientation. The nonrecreational assemblage that comes to our events combines much decision-making authorization and arrives with overmuch much factual involvement successful definite topics than was the lawsuit successful earlier years. The alleged "general walk-in audience" is truthful becoming little and little common; instead, targeted concern is successful request with the close partners and suppliers.

How does MEDICA, the World Forum for Medicine hosted successful Düsseldorf this November, foster probe and innovation with its promotion of the latest technologies and companies?

MEDICA is not conscionable a axenic merchandise show. A varied programme of accompanying conferences and specializer forums integrated into the commercialized just ensures that existent trends and quality from research, science, authorities and companies are examined much intimately and discussed successful an speech of experts. One illustration is the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM, which includes 2 breathtaking transportation competitions for the start-up scene: the MEDICA START-UP COMPETITION and the "Healthcare Innovation World Cup".

Image Credit: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

In addition, with our caller integer format MEDICA DEEP DIVE, we person already focused connected peculiarly applicable inclination topics successful moderated online treatment rounds successful the run-up to the commercialized fair. These included, for example, the diagnosis of infectious diseases, existent innovations and developments successful the tract of point-of-care diagnostics oregon "Artificial Intelligence/Big Data successful Medical Applications".

In 2021, you had implicit 3,000 exhibitors from implicit 70 countries. What aesculapian merchandise categories oregon services does MEDICA forefront done its exhibitors and conferences?

MEDICA and the parallel supplier commercialized just COMPAMED, successful their globally unsocial combination, connection the commercialized a broad overview of the latest aesculapian products and services for modern attraction successful doctors' surgeries and clinics, including each applicable process steps of merchandise improvement and manufacturing. The main segments of the MEDICA commercialized just are Laboratory Technology and Diagnostics, Medical Technology and Electromedicine (Imaging and Diagnostics/ Medical Equipment and Devices), Consumer Goods and Consumables, Physiotherapy and Orthopaedic Technology arsenic good arsenic IT Systems and IT Solutions.

Who bash you judge would payment from attending MEDICA?

Exhibiting companies arsenic good arsenic the visiting commercialized nationalist payment arsenic from participating successful MEDICA. After all, it is precisely now, successful turbulent times, that the aesculapian exertion manufacture needs beardown platforms for important exchange, practice and business. Companies presently person an accrued request to coordinate proviso and manufacturing partnerships to guarantee their ain quality to present successful times of sharply rising prices and scarce components. The commercialized public also gets an overview of existent trends, innovations and reliable procurement options.

Registration and Tickets for MEDICA 2022

MEDICA 2022 is being held successful Germany, a state with a increasing aesculapian exertion economy. Despite Europe being important to the acceleration of the aesculapian sector, a affirmative concern infrastructure is needed to proceed its growth. What much should governments and policymakers beryllium doing to proceed Europe’s occurrence wrong the aesculapian exertion space?

Apart from important cross-sectoral frameworks (e.g. ensuring an affordable vigor supply), the progressively analyzable merchandise support process successful the EU is seen by manufacture associations arsenic a maturation risk. It progressively prevents smaller and medium-sized companies from entering the marketplace astatine each oregon from expanding existing marketplace activities.

As good arsenic your planetary commercialized fairs, you besides connection a wide assortment of resources connected your website, including a magazine, play newsletter, and blistery monthly topics. Why bash you take to connection your customers specified a wide assortment of resources escaped of complaint connected your site?

The goals are manifold. First and foremost, of course, is "community building". The greater the scope of our manufacture portals for MEDICA and COMPAMED successful the applicable people groups, the much our exhibitors volition benefit. When they enactment successful our commercialized fairs, they publication much than conscionable quadrate metres. They tin contiguous themselves successful the database of this assemblage with their exhibitor profile, which offers assorted functions.

The matchmaking instrumentality should besides beryllium mentioned. Here, our exhibitors are brought unneurotic with suitable radical from the assemblage successful presumption of involvement successful the hunt for products and services. And beyond that, the assemblage forms the halfway of the commercialized audience, which virtually has a beingness astatine runtime. The dovetailing of integer contented and services with the commercialized fair's offerings is what yet determines the relevance and acceptance of the lawsuit from the position of the applicable people groups. In this sense, escaped contented pays off.

Image Credit: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

Why bash you judge in-person commercialized shows and conferences are truthful important to the aesculapian field?

We person each experienced done the Corona pandemic the value of idiosyncratic encounters and the "real" unrecorded experience. People consciousness with each their senses. New products tin beryllium tried retired straight astatine a commercialized just and a nonstop face-to-face speech creates a wholly antithetic ground of spot than encounters successful the integer space. In addition, accidental encounters broaden one's horizons and tin beryllium of tremendous value.

What is adjacent for MEDICA?

After the lawsuit is earlier the event. The commercialized just runtime is followed by a precise valuation of each results and, based connected this, we are continuously moving connected updates to the programme successful enactment with existent trends and developments successful visitant interest. By the way, with the decision of MEDICA 2022, the registration signifier for adjacent year's MEDICA begins again. But for now, the MEDICA squad is looking guardant to breathtaking commercialized just days with galore absorbing encounters astatine MEDICA 2022.  

Where tin readers find much information?

Registration: / /

About Christian Grosser

Christian Grosser holds a grade successful economics, is well-connected successful the aesculapian exertion manufacture and has a batch of planetary nonrecreational experience. Grosser started his nonrecreational vocation astatine Messe Düsseldorf successful 2008 arsenic a trainee. He past held assorted sales-oriented absorption positions successful Germany and archetypal task absorption positions overseas astatine the subsidiaries Messe Düsseldorf China (Shanghai) and Messe Düsseldorf India. In 2016, helium returned to Germany and took connected absorption work arsenic Deputy Director Health & Medical Technologies alongside Horst Giesen. When Horst Giesen retired, Christian Grosser became Director Health & Medical Technologies and has since headed the squad for MEDICA and COMPAMED arsenic good arsenic the MEDICAlliance umbrella brand.

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