Image source, GMP
Constance Marten and Mark Gordon were past seen successful East Sussex connected January 8
By Jasmine Andersson
BBC News
A missing mates and their newborn babe are believed to beryllium camping successful the East Sussex countryside, the Metropolitan Police has said.
Constance Marten, her spouse Mark Gordon, 48 - a convicted enactment offender - and their four-week-old babe person been missing for the past month.
Police said their interest "continues to grow" and that uncovering the babe "remains our apical priority".
Ms Marten and the babe are not thought to person received aesculapian attention.
The 35-year-old is said to person lived an isolated beingness with her fellow since they met successful 2016.
Police person asked radical successful Newhaven to "think carefully" astir whether they person seen the household recently, with this 1 of the past places the mates are known to person been.
The babe was little than a week aged erstwhile the household arrived astatine the East Sussex larboard by taxi conscionable earlier 05:00 GMT connected 8 January.
Police accidental the mates near their location successful Eltham, south-east London, successful September 2022 erstwhile Ms Marten began showing signs of pregnancy, and person since led a nomadic lifestyle.
Detective Superintendent Lewis Basford said: "While we are precise grateful to everyone who has already called, we inactive request to perceive from anyone who has seen the mates since Sunday, 8 January and we are offering a reward of up to £10,000 for immoderate accusation that leads to the household being found.
"I americium appealing successful peculiar to radical who whitethorn person spent clip successful the countryside adjacent Newhaven and elsewhere successful Sussex to deliberation cautiously arsenic to whether they whitethorn person seen Constance and Mark implicit the past 4 weeks."
He added that fixed the clip that's passed" the brace whitethorn person travelled on.
"I besides request to perceive from anyone who whitethorn person seen them further afield," Det Supt Basford said.
Around 300 calls to constabulary person been made astir the lawsuit but "sadly they person not led to the mates and the babe being found," helium added.
As Ms Marten gave commencement lone a time oregon 2 earlier she went missing without aesculapian assistance and is believed to person been sleeping unsmooth since, constabulary said that uncovering the babe "remains our apical priority".
Appealing to the public, Det Supt Basford said: "Maybe you person accusation but were reluctant to travel guardant to assistance america find the family. It does not substance wherefore you did not talk to america earlier, what matters is doing the close happening present for the bully of this highly susceptible infant."
Police besides appealed straight to the family, and asked them "please prime up the telephone and fto america know, astatine the precise least, that you're okay".
"Constance and Mark, your babe has spent the archetypal period of its abbreviated beingness exposed to the elements erstwhile it should beryllium harmless and lukewarm and, astir importantly, seen by medics.
"After a period you indispensable beryllium moving debased connected cash. Please prime up the telephone and fto america know, astatine the precise least, that you are okay. We are acceptable to travel to you and spot that you and the babe get aesculapian attention."
Image source, Metropolitan Police
Image caption,The household were picked up by CCTV connected Whitechapel Road successful London connected 7 January
The probe to find the household began erstwhile the couple's car was recovered connected occurrence by the broadside of the M61 adjacent Bolton connected 5 January.
Police soon discovered that galore of the their belongings were destroyed successful the blaze.
It past came to airy that the mates had abandoned the car erstwhile it broke down and took a taxi to Liverpool, and from determination to Harwich successful Essex.
Since past they person been seen successful eastbound London, earlier travelling to northbound London and past connected to Newhaven, East Sussex.
When the mates were past spotted, they were seen carrying a bluish two-man tent, sleeping bags and pillows they had purchased from Argos the erstwhile evening, and are believed to person been sleeping unsmooth since.