Cutting back on ultra-processed foods linked with lower dementia risk - Harvard Health

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Need different crushed to debar eating ultra-processed foods? Doing truthful whitethorn support you from dementia.

Researchers looked astatine the dietary habits of much than 72,000 radical ages 55 and older without dementia and followed them implicit an mean of 10 years. By the extremity of the survey period, 518 participants had been diagnosed with dementia.

Based connected the people’s fare questionnaires, which were fixed astatine slightest doubly during the study, the researchers observed a correlation betwixt processing dementia and earlier intake of ultra-processed foods.

Even aft adjusting for different established hazard factors, the researchers calculated a 25% higher hazard for dementia successful radical eating the largest amounts of these foods compared with those who ate small of them. They defined ultra-processed foods arsenic those precocious successful added sugar, fat, and salt, and debased successful macromolecule and fiber. Examples see brushed drinks, salty and sugary snacks, crystal cream, sausage, deep-fried chicken, ketchup, and mayonnaise.

The investigators estimated that switching retired 10% of ultra-processed foods with an equivalent proportionality of unprocessed oregon minimally processed foods — specified arsenic fruits and vegetables — could little dementia hazard by 19%. This benignant of observational survey lone shows an relation betwixt fare and dementia risk, and does not mean that ultra-processed foods origin dementia. The survey was published online July 27, 2022, by Neurology.

Image: © Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

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