David Harbour And Lily Allen's Over-The-Top Bathroom - BuzzFeed

2 years ago 145

Everyone seems to hide that Lily Allen and David Harbour are an *item.*

They met successful 2019, and got joined successful 2020. I'd telephone that a whirlwind, but hey, arsenic Planet Fitness says: This is simply a nary judgement zone*!

Their location is highly colorful.

They definite bash emotion florals!

And they person this wholly useless lamp that, to me, is quintessential New York.

"This is great, this wholly non-functional lamp!"

But I'm present to speech astir 1 country successful particular: Their bathroom.

Yes, this is their bathroom.

It's the astir surviving room-like bath I deliberation I've ever seen.

And that's a ample pinkish refrigerator.

The bath was seemingly mostly David's doing.

"When I lived successful apartments successful New York City I conscionable had bathrooms. There was a toilet, a shower, a descend and a toothbrush. Now I person a country wherever you tin instrumentality a bath, oregon you tin sit, oregon you tin brushwood your teeth and bash immoderate you want," helium said.

"I did request immoderate items connected this floor, conscionable a mates indispensable items: I said I privation swan taps."

"I besides wanted a fridge from outer space."

There are besides sinks which are replicas of thing retired of Versailles.

They person these random small metallic figurines.

And past there's Lily Allen's artwork.

That's an embroidered framed representation of venereal diseases.

So, yep, it's a spot extra!

But hey, I conjecture that's what you bash with a zillion dollars!

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