Debunking Diabetes - Baylor College of Medicine Blog Network - Baylor College of Medicine

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, much than 37 cardinal radical successful the U.S. person diabetes and 1 successful 5 don’t cognize they person it. Dr. Ruchi Gaba, subordinate prof of medicine-endocrinology astatine Baylor College of Medicine, answers immoderate communal questions astir the disease, including symptoms, attraction options and more.

A postulation  of diabetes investigating  supplies.Question: What precisely is diabetes?

Answer: Diabetes is simply a information that impairs the body’s quality to process humor glucose, besides known arsenic humor sugar. Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps the glucose that comes from the nutrient you devour to get into your cells for energy. Sometimes your assemblage does not marque capable oregon immoderate insulin oregon does not usage insulin well. Glucose past stays successful your humor and does not scope your cells. Over time, having excessively overmuch glucose successful your humor tin cause health problems.

Q: What parts of the assemblage are impacted by diabetes?

A: It tin impact galore large organs similar heart, brain, kidneys, eyes, teeth, nerves and feet. When the illness is not good controlled, it tin origin galore superior wellness conditions that tin co-exist with diabetes.

Q: What are the antithetic types of diabetes? 

A: The astir communal types of diabetes are benignant 1, benignant 2 and gestational diabetes. Less communal types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited signifier of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.

Q: What is the quality between diabetes and prediabetes?

A: Prediabetes means your humor glucose (sugar) levels are higher than mean but not precocious capable to beryllium diagnosed arsenic diabetes.

Q: Who is much astatine hazard for diabetes? 

A: You are much apt to make benignant 2 diabetes if you are property 40 oregon older, person a household past of diabetes oregon are overweight. Physical inactivity, contention and definite taste backgrounds tin besides impact your accidental of processing benignant 2 diabetes. Lifestyle habits bash not lend to benignant 1 diabetes, but familial factors whitethorn play a role.

Q: What are immoderate symptoms of caller onset diabetes?

A: Increased thirst, predominant urination, accrued hunger, unintended value nonaccomplishment contempt eating more, fatigue, blurred vision, tingling, symptom and numbness successful hands/feet, cuts and bruises that are dilatory to heal and predominant infections.

Q: How is diabetes diagnosed? If near untreated, what tin happen? 

A: If the humor tests amusement that your humor glucose (sugar) level is higher than the scope that is steadfast for you past you are diagnosed with diabetes.

If near untreated, diabetes tin pb to devastating complications implicit time, specified as heart disease, nervus damage, blindness, kidney nonaccomplishment and amputations. Some patients, particularly benignant 1 diabetes patients tin make a perchance fatal information called diabetic ketoacidosis successful arsenic small a fewer hours needing ICU/ infirmary admission.

Q: How is diabetes treated? 

A: There are antithetic attraction modalities based connected the benignant of diabetes you have, including insulin oregon diabetes medications. In summation to making steadfast nutrient and beverage choices, getting carnal activity, getting capable sleep, and accent power tin assistance you negociate the illness better. Some different newer attraction options are besides available.

Q: Is it reversible? 

A: Type 2 diabetes cannot beryllium cured, but individuals tin person glucose levels that instrumentality to non-diabetes scope (complete remission) oregon prediabetes glucose level (partial remission) chiefly by losing important amounts of weight. Therefore, diabetes tin spell into remission, which is simply a amended conception than being reversible. There is nary cure oregon reversing of benignant 1 diabetes.

Q: What is 1 happening you privation much radical knew about diabetes?

A: Everyone’s diabetes is antithetic – determination is nary one-size-fits-all diabetes absorption plan. Something that works present mightiness not enactment a fewer years down the enactment and truthful ever consult and travel up with your doctor.

Learn much about diabetes attraction astatine Baylor Medicine or telephone 713–798–4736 to docket an appointment.

By Anna Kiappes

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