Disc Medicine Announces Multiple Presentations Across Hematology Portfolio at the 64th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting - Yahoo Finance

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CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Disc Medicine, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical institution focused connected the discovery, development, and commercialization of caller treatments for patients suffering from superior hematologic diseases, contiguous announced that 5 abstracts related to respective of its hematology programs person been accepted for poster presumption astatine the upcoming 64th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition, which volition beryllium held successful New Orleans, LA connected December 10-13, 2022.

Disc Medicine is simply a hematology institution  harnessing caller   insights successful  hepcidin biology to code  ineffective reddish  humor  compartment  accumulation   (erythropoiesis) successful  hematologic diseases. Focused connected  the hepcidin pathway, the maestro  regulator of robust  metabolism, Disc is advancing first-in-class therapies to alteration   the attraction    of hematologic diseases. (PRNewsfoto/Disc Medicine)

Disc Medicine is simply a hematology institution harnessing caller insights successful hepcidin biology to code ineffective reddish humor compartment accumulation (erythropoiesis) successful hematologic diseases. Focused connected the hepcidin pathway, the maestro regulator of robust metabolism, Disc is advancing first-in-class therapies to alteration the attraction of hematologic diseases. (PRNewsfoto/Disc Medicine)

"We are pleased to person 5 abstracts selected for presumption astatine ASH," said John Quisel, JD, PhD, Chief Executive Officer astatine Disc Medicine. "The fig of abstracts selected, covering 3 antithetic Disc programs, demonstrates the breadth of our pipeline and underscores our committedness to addressing unmet needs for patients with superior hematologic conditions."

The afloat abstracts are present disposable done the ASH league website.

Details of the presentations are arsenic follows:

Abstract Number: 2339
Title: DISC-0974, an α-HJV Antibody, Reduces Hepcidin and Mobilizes Iron successful Healthy Volunteers
Date / Time: Sunday, December 11, 6:00-8:00 PM
Session: 102. Iron Homeostasis and Biology: Poster II
Presenter: Natasha Novikov, MD, PhD

Abstract Number: 2346
Title: Phase 2, Randomized, Open-label Trial of Bitopertin successful Erythropoietic Protoporphyria: BEACON Trial Design
Date / Time: Sunday, December 11, 6:00-8:00 PM
Session: 102. Iron Homeostasis and Biology: Poster II
Presenter: Will Savage, MD, PhD

Abstract Number: 3661
Title: Bitopertin, a Selective Glycine Transporter 1 Inhibitor, Reduced PPIX Level and Improved Liver Fibrosis successful a Mouse Model of Erythropoietic Protoporphyria (EPP)
Date / Time: Monday, December 12, 6:00-8:00 PM
Session: 102. Iron Homeostasis and Biology
Presenter: Min Wu, PhD

Abstract Number: 3641
Title: DISC-0974, an Anti-HJV Monoclonal Antibody, Reduced Hepcidin and Improved Anemia successful a Rat Model of Chronic Kidney Disease
Date / Time: Monday, December 12, 6:00-8:00 PM
Session: 101. Red Cells and Erythropoiesis, Excluding Iron
Presenter: Min Wu, PhD

Abstract Number: 3657
Title: Preclinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of DISC-0998, a Humanized Anti-Hemojuvelin (HJV) Monoclonal Antibody to Suppress the Production of Hepcidin
Date / Time: Monday, December 12, 6:00-8:00 PM
Session: 102. Iron Homeostasis and Biology
Presenter: Yue Chen, MS

About Disc Medicine

Disc Medicine is simply a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical institution that is dedicated to transforming the lives of patients with hematologic disorders. We are gathering a portfolio of innovative, imaginable first-in-class therapeutic candidates that impact cardinal pathways of reddish humor compartment biology. We are committed to processing treatments that empower and bring anticipation to the galore patients who endure from hematologic diseases. For much information, delight sojourn www.discmedicine.com.

On August 10, 2022, Gemini Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: GMTX) ("Gemini") and Disc Medicine, Inc. ("Disc"), announced that they person entered into a definitive merger statement to harvester the companies successful an all-stock transaction. The combined institution volition absorption connected advancing Disc's pipeline of hematology programs, including aggregate objective trials for its clinical-stage programs bitopertin and DISC-0974. Upon shareholder approval, the combined institution is expected to run nether the sanction Disc Medicine, Inc. and commercialized connected the Nasdaq Global Market nether the ticker awesome IRON. The merger and related financing are expected to adjacent successful the 4th fourth of 2022. For much accusation visit: https://www.discmedicine.com/news/gemini-therapeutics-and-disc-medicine-announce-merger-agreement/.

About Disc Medicine's Hematology Portfolio

Disc has a improvement pipeline composed of investigational merchandise candidates that impact heme biosynthesis and robust metabolism. Disc's programs are designed to people pathways with established, clinically-validated biology and person the imaginable to code aggregate indications. This includes:

Bitopertin (Heme Synthesis Modulator): Bitopertin is an investigational, orally administered inhibitor of glycine transporter 1, GlyT1. Bitopertin was in-licensed by Disc from Roche successful 2021 and has antecedently demonstrated tolerability and effects connected heme biosynthesis successful implicit 4,000 individuals crossed aggregate objective trials. Inhibition of heme biosynthesis has the imaginable to code a wide scope of hematologic disorders. Disc precocious initiated AURORA, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 proceedings of bitopertin successful patients with EPP, a rare, debilitating and perchance fatal familial upset that results successful dysregulated heme biosynthesis and wherever bitopertin has the imaginable to go the archetypal disease-modifying treatment. Bitopertin is besides presently being studied successful BEACON, an open-label Phase 2 objective proceedings successful patients with EPP and X-linked protoporphyria (XLP), which was initiated successful August 2022 and is being conducted successful Australia. Additional objective trials successful Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) and different indications are being planned.

DISC-0974 (Hepcidin Suppression): DISC-0974 is an investigational monoclonal antibody (mAb) targeting a BMP-signaling co-receptor called hemojuvelin (HJV) and is designed to suppress hepcidin accumulation and summation serum robust levels successful patients suffering from anemia of inflammation. DISC-0974 was in-licensed by Disc from AbbVie successful 2019. Anemia of inflammation arises from abnormally elevated hepcidin and is the astir communal signifier of anemia, affecting millions of patients successful the US crossed galore diseases specified arsenic chronic kidney disease, myelofibrosis, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and different conditions with an inflammatory component. Disc has established objective proof-of-mechanism of DISC-0974 successful a Phase 1 proceedings of steadfast volunteers and initiated a Phase 1b/2a objective proceedings of DISC-0974 successful patients with myelofibrosis and anemia. Disc plans to initiate a Phase 1b/2a objective proceedings of DISC-0974 successful patients with chronic kidney illness and anemia successful precocious 2022.

DISC-0998: DISC-0998 is an investigational anti-HJV mAb with an engineered Q and L mutation (QL-mutation) successful the Fc region, aimed to change binding to the FcRn receptor, resulting successful an accrued PK half-life. Preclinical studies person demonstrated that DISC-0998 has shown biologic activity, debased immunogenicity potential, and desirable pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) properties successful monkeys. The institution volition contiguous information successful cynomolgus monkeys astatine the 64th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition that let for the prediction of PK/PD profiles successful humans and enactment further improvement of DISC-0998 for anemia of inflammation related disorders with the imaginable of agelong intervals successful betwixt dosing.

Matriptase-2 Inhibitor (Hepcidin Induction): Disc has a preclinical probe programme designed to place orally available, tiny molecules to inhibit Matriptase-2 (referred to arsenic Mat-2 oregon TMPRSS6) and summation the accumulation of hepcidin and restrict robust availability. The therapeutic relation of hepcidin has been established by 3rd parties successful patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and hereditary hemochromatosis. Disc is initially focused connected processing its Mat-2 programme arsenic a imaginable attraction for PV, diseases of robust overload, and different conditions wherever regularisation of robust would person therapeutic benefit.

Disc Medicine Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements successful this property merchandise whitethorn represent "forward-looking statements" for purposes of the national securities laws concerning the projected transaction betwixt Disc and Gemini Therapeutics, Inc. (Gemini) including whether and erstwhile the projected transaction volition beryllium consummated; statements astir the structure, timing and completion of the projected transaction; and different matters, including Disc's expectations with respect to its AURORA and BEACON objective trials, its plans to initiate a Phase 1b/2a objective survey of DISC-0974, and different statements that are not humanities successful nature. These forward-looking statements see explicit oregon implied statements relating to Disc's absorption team's expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions oregon strategies regarding the future. In addition, immoderate statements that notation to projections, forecasts oregon different characterizations of aboriginal events oregon circumstances, including immoderate underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. The words "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intends," "may," "might," "plan," "possible," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would" and akin expressions whitethorn place forward-looking statements, but the lack of these words does not mean that a connection is not forward-looking. These forward-looking statements are based connected existent expectations and beliefs concerning aboriginal developments and their imaginable effects. There tin beryllium nary assurance that aboriginal developments affecting Disc, Gemini oregon the projected transaction volition beryllium those that person been anticipated. These forward-looking statements impact a fig of risks, uncertainties (some of which are beyond Disc's control) oregon different assumptions that whitethorn origin existent results oregon show to beryllium materially antithetic from those expressed oregon implied by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not constricted to, the hazard that the conditions to the closing of the transaction are not satisfied, including the nonaccomplishment to get stockholder support for the transaction; the hazard that the concurrent financing is not completed successful a timely mode oregon astatine all; uncertainties arsenic to the timing of the consummation of the transaction and the quality of each of Gemini and Disc to consummate the transaction, including the concurrent financing; risks related to Gemini's continued listing connected the Nasdaq Stock Market until closing of the projected transaction; risks related to Gemini's and Disc's quality to correctly estimation their respective operating expenses and expenses associated with the transaction, arsenic good arsenic uncertainties regarding the interaction immoderate hold successful the closing would person connected the anticipated currency resources of the combined institution upon closing and different events and unanticipated spending and costs that could trim the combined company's currency resources; the occurrence of immoderate event, alteration oregon different condition oregon information that could springiness emergence to the termination of the merger agreement; the effect of the announcement oregon pendency of the merger connected Gemini's oregon Disc's concern relationships, operating results and concern generally; costs related to the merger; the result of immoderate ineligible proceedings that whitethorn beryllium instituted against Gemini, Disc oregon immoderate of their respective directors oregon officers related to the merger statement oregon the transactions contemplated thereby; the quality of Gemini oregon Disc to support their respective intelligence spot rights; competitory responses to the transaction; unexpected costs, charges oregon expenses resulting from the transaction; imaginable adverse reactions oregon changes to concern relationships resulting from the announcement oregon completion of the transaction; and legislative, regulatory, governmental and economical developments.  The foregoing database of factors is not exhaustive. You should cautiously see the foregoing factors and the different risks and uncertainties described successful the "Risk Factors" conception of the proxy statement/prospectus included successful the registration connection connected Form S-4 (the "Initial Registration Statement"), which was initially filed connected September 2, 2022, arsenic amended by Amendment No. 1 to the Initial Registration Statement filed with the SEC connected October 7, 2022[ and Amendment No. 2 to the Initial Registration Statement filed with the SEC connected [●], 2022] (together with the Initial Registration Statement, the "Registration Statement") successful transportation with the transaction and different documents filed by Gemini from clip to clip with the SEC. Should 1 oregon much of these risks oregon uncertainties materialize, oregon should immoderate of Disc's assumptions beryllium incorrect, existent results whitethorn alteration successful worldly respects from those projected successful these forward-looking statements. Some of these risks and uncertainties whitethorn successful the aboriginal beryllium amplified by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and determination whitethorn beryllium further risks that we see immaterial oregon which are unknown. It is not imaginable to foretell oregon place each specified risks. Disc's forward-looking statements lone talk arsenic of the day they are made, and Gemini and Disc bash not undertake immoderate work to update oregon revise immoderate forward-looking statements, whether arsenic a effect of caller information, aboriginal events oregon otherwise, but arsenic whitethorn beryllium required nether applicable securities laws.

No Offer oregon Solicitation

This property merchandise is not intended to and does not represent an connection to merchantability oregon the solicitation of an connection to subscribe for oregon bargain oregon an invitation to acquisition oregon subscribe for immoderate securities oregon the solicitation of immoderate ballot successful immoderate jurisdiction pursuant to the projected transaction oregon otherwise, nor shall determination beryllium immoderate sale, issuance oregon transportation of securities successful immoderate jurisdiction successful contravention of applicable law. No connection of securities shall beryllium made but by means of a prospectus gathering the requirements of the Securities Act. Subject to definite exceptions to beryllium approved by the applicable regulators oregon definite facts to beryllium ascertained, the nationalist connection volition not beryllium made straight oregon indirectly, successful oregon into immoderate jurisdiction wherever to bash truthful would represent a usurpation of the laws of specified jurisdiction, oregon by usage of the mails oregon by immoderate means oregon instrumentality (including without limitation, facsimile transmission, telephone and the internet) of interstate oregon overseas commerce, oregon immoderate installation of a nationalist securities exchange, of immoderate specified jurisdiction.

Additional Information and Where to Find It

In transportation with the projected transaction betwixt Gemini and Disc, Gemini intends to record applicable materials with the SEC, including the Registration Statement, that contains a proxy statement/prospectus of Gemini and accusation connection of Disc. DISC URGES INVESTORS AND STOCKHOLDERS TO READ THESE MATERIALS CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY WHEN THEY BECOME AVAILABLE BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT GEMINI, DISC, THE PROPOSED TRANSACTION AND RELATED MATTERS. Investors and shareholders volition beryllium capable to get escaped copies of the proxy statement/prospectus/information connection and different documents filed by Gemini with the SEC (when they go available) done the website maintained by the SEC astatine www.sec.gov. In addition, investors and shareholders should enactment that Gemini communicates with investors and the nationalist utilizing its website (www.geminitherapeutics.com), the capitalist relations website (https://investors.geminitherapeutics.com/) wherever anyone volition beryllium capable to get escaped copies of the proxy statement/prospectus/information connection and different documents filed by Gemini with the SEC and stockholders are urged to work the Registration Statement and the different applicable materials erstwhile they go disposable earlier making immoderate voting oregon concern determination with respect to the projected transaction.

Participants successful the Solicitation

Each of Gemini, Disc and their directors and enforcement officers whitethorn beryllium deemed to beryllium participants successful the solicitation of proxies successful transportation with the projected transaction. Information astir Gemini's directors and enforcement officers is included successful Gemini's astir caller Annual Report connected Form 10-K, including immoderate accusation incorporated therein by reference, arsenic filed with the SEC, and the Registration Statement and immoderate amendments thereto arsenic filed with the SEC. These documents tin beryllium obtained escaped of complaint from the sources indicated above.



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SOURCE Disc Medicine

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