Dog who was abandoned in OKC becomes Internet sensation - KFOR Oklahoma City

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Anna becomes net sensation

Anna becomes net sensation

OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – An Oklahoma City canine who was near abandoned is present winning hearts crossed the nation.

In February, Ava visited Oklahoma City Animal Welfare to find retired astir unpaid opportunities. When she spotted a tiny small pitbull mix, she instantly fell successful love.

“I wasn’t intending connected adopting a canine astatine the time, but I couldn’t get myself to permission without her that day,” Ava told KFOR successful an email.

Anna and her brothers, Olaf and Hans, astatine OKC Animal Welfare successful February

She recovered retired that the small dog, named Anna, was brought to the structure with her 2 brothers. Shelter unit said they were dropped disconnected by a antheral who said helium couldn’t instrumentality attraction of them anymore.

They weren’t successful the champion shape, truthful unit members astatine the structure spent a period nursing them backmost to health.

Ava said she decided to foster Anna done the shelter’s foster-to-adopt program.

After astir a week together, Ava had decided to follow her.

Soon, she started sharing Anna’s communicative with the masses done a TikTok account.

Anna showing disconnected her smile

In a fewer weeks, she gained a monolithic following. Right now, Anna’s relationship has implicit 150,000 followers and 10 cardinal likes successful total.

“I americium perpetually receiving messages and stories from radical astir however they travel to Anna’s TikTok to brighten their day, and that Anna’s videos marque them grin and person gotten them done precise pugnacious times,” Ava said.

Now, Anna is simply a 4th finalist successful America’s Favorite Pet contest.

You tin ballot for her for escaped regular oregon you tin take to acquisition other votes, wherever a information of the proceeds volition beryllium donated to charity.


Ava says she’s hoping the contention raises consciousness for Oklahoma City Animal Welfare and the enactment they are doing for animals successful the area.

“I volition ever beryllium grateful for them for redeeming Anna, and allowing maine to find my champion friend!” she wrote.

Voting for the semi-finals ends Oct. 13 astatine 9 p.m.

A victor volition beryllium announced connected Oct. 27.

If you privation to find retired much astir dogs and cats successful request of loving homes, visit Oklahoma City Animal Welfare’s website.

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