Duke Energy offering additional energy assistance - Seymour Tribune

1 year ago 32

Duke Energy plans to dedicate an further $200,000 successful fiscal assistance to its Indiana customers who whitethorn beryllium struggling to wage their vigor bills.

Qualifying customers whitethorn person up to a $300 recognition annually. Year to date, Duke Energy has aided astir 1,700 Hoosiers households with much than $378,000 successful vigor measure assistance done its Share the Light Fund, according to a quality release.

Duke Energy works successful concern with the Indiana Community Action Association to administer assistance funds. Customers should interaction their section assemblage enactment bureau to spot if they are eligible. A database of assemblage enactment agencies by region whitethorn beryllium recovered astatine incap.org/energy-assistance.

“We cognize that our customers are facing rising costs for necessities, from groceries and proscription to their electrical bill, which has risen owed to escalating substance costs to nutrient electricity,” said Duke Energy Indiana President Stan Pinegar. “We’ve recovered that much of our customers could instrumentality vantage of the resources disposable to them, and we privation to link them to help.”

The institution besides is encouraging customers who whitethorn beryllium struggling to use to the Indiana Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The federally funded programme is administered done statewide assemblage enactment agencies and assists qualifying individuals with their vigor bills. The exertion play opened Oct. 3.

”We expect that with the rising outgo of earthy state and heating lipid arsenic good arsenic the challenging economy, the fig of families successful request of vigor assistance volition summation again this year,” said Jacob Sipe, enforcement manager of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority.

Hoosiers whitethorn interaction their section work supplier to use for that program. A database of work providers and accusation tin beryllium recovered astatine eap.ihcda.in.gov.

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