Enola Holmes 2 new trailer: Millie Bobby Brown stars as a determined detective - Daily Mail

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Enola Holmes 2 caller trailer: Millie Bobby Brown stars arsenic a determined detective who indispensable enactment with her member Sherlock played by Henry Cavill

By Heidi Parker and Lizzie May For Dailymail.Com

Published: 10:33 EDT, 11 October 2022 | Updated: 10:50 EDT, 11 October 2022

A caller trailer for Enola Holmes 2 was shared connected Tuesday morning.

In the clip, Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown is seen arsenic a determined detective who has precocious opened her ain agency. Her archetypal lawsuit is Matchstick Girl who is trying to find her missing sister who whitethorn clasp galore secrets astir the affluent and powerful.

Also seen successful the trailer was Henry Cavill who plays Enola's dashing detective member Sherlock.

New look: A caller trailer for Enola Holmes 2 was shared connected Tuesday morning. In the clip, Stranger Things histrion Millie Bobby Brown is seen arsenic a determined amateur detective who is trying to find a missing girl 

Good pair: Also seen successful the trailer was Henry Cavill who plays her dashing detective member Sherlock

The trailer begins with Sherlock uncovering Enola hiding successful his cabinet.

Then we larn that Enola is looking for a missing miss who holds the secrets of immoderate precise almighty people. 

But soon aft Sherlock tells his sibling that the lawsuit helium is moving connected is linked to the lawsuit she is moving on.

Many radical bash not look to judge successful young Enola, but her parent says the miss is 'magnificent.'

Fans were fixed a sneak peek of the movie successful September. 

In the clip, Enola tin beryllium seen fleeing the constabulary alongside her member Sherlock, earlier being handcuffed and carted disconnected to jail.

First look: Streaming elephantine Netflix gave audiences a sneak peek into the upcoming movie which shows Sherlock Holmes's younger sister Enola (pictured)

Resigned to accepting the acold realities of adulthood, Enola is astir to adjacent store erstwhile a penniless matchstick miss offers her archetypal authoritative job.

The task astatine manus is to find the girl's missing sister - but the lawsuit proves to beryllium acold much puzzling than expected. 

The marque caller movie is being released connected Netflix connected November 4 and volition spot the adjacent instalment of Enola Holmes' detective career, with the archetypal being released backmost successful 2020.

Netflix's latest movie is based connected the Nancy Springer publication bid The Enola Holmes Mysteries.

Back successful action: Enola (centre) is joined by older member Sherlock (Henry Cavill, left) and Tewkesbury (Louis Partridge, right)

Detective: Millie Bobby Brown's quality Enola stars alongside her member Sherlock, played by Henry Cavill

New start: Resigned to accepting the acold realities of adulthood, Enola is astir to adjacent store erstwhile a penniless matchstick miss offers her archetypal authoritative job

In different scene, Enola hides successful a basement alongside her parent Eudoria (Helena Bonham Carter) as the youngster opens her ain detective bureau successful the action-packed sequel.

Last month, Millie teased the movie's newest characters, sharing a drawback connected her Instagram leafage of a mysterious lady, played by erstwhile EastEnders histrion Sharon Duncan-Brewster, sipping vino astatine a precocious nine party. 

Taking to her Instagram grid the Stranger Things histrion captioned the snaps: 'ENOLA HOLMES 2. NOV 4. Only connected Netflix. #EnolaHolmes2'. 

Stars: Millie Bobby Brown besides stars alongside Helena Bonham Carter (left) and large member Sherlock, Holmes, Henry Cavill (pictured right)

Big brother: Netflix's latest movie is based connected the Nancy Springer publication bid The Enola Holmes Mysteries (Henry Cavill arsenic Sherlock Holmes pictured)

Following connected from the 2020 archetypal the authoritative synopsis reads: 'Fresh disconnected the triumph of solving her archetypal case, Enola Holmes follows successful the footsteps of her celebrated brother, Sherlock and opens her ain bureau — lone to find that beingness arsenic a pistillate detective-for-hire isn’t arsenic casual arsenic it seems'. 

'Resigned to accepting the acold realities of adulthood, she is astir to adjacent store erstwhile a penniless matchstick miss offers Enola her archetypal authoritative job: to find her missing sister'. 

'But this lawsuit proves to beryllium acold much puzzling than expected, arsenic Enola is thrown into a unsafe caller satellite — from London’s sinister factories and colourful euphony halls, to the highest echelons of nine and 221B Baker Street itself'

'As the sparks of a deadly conspiracy ignite, Enola indispensable telephone upon the assistance of friends — and Sherlock himself — to unravel her mystery. The game, it seems, has recovered its feet again!'.

Enola Holmes 2 volition beryllium released connected Netflix connected November 4. 

Hard astatine work: Last month, Millie teased the movie's newest characters, sharing a drawback connected her Instagram leafage of a mysterious lady

Latest: The caller film's synopsis says that the lawsuit 'proves to beryllium acold much puzzling than expected'


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