Image source, Reuters
Passengers queue successful Milan connected Thursday aft mandatory investigating for Chinese arrivals was introduced
The EU's illness bureau has said the screening of travellers from China for Covid-19 would beryllium "unjustified".
On Thursday, Italy urged the remainder of the EU to travel its pb and guarantee Chinese arrivals were tested, and quarantined if necessary.
The US, Japan, Taiwan and India besides precocious announced mandatory testing, arsenic China deals with a Covid surge.
But the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said the surge was "not expected to impact" the EU.
Concerns were raised aft Chinese authorities decided to fto radical question much freely from 8 January, aft astir 3 years of closed borders.
EU wellness officials held talks successful Brussels connected Thursday to co-ordinate immoderate response.
The ECDC said: "The BF7 omicron variant, which is prevalent successful China, is already contiguous successful Europe and failed to go dominant.
"However, we stay vigilant and volition beryllium acceptable to usage the exigency brake if necessary."