Evan Peters wore lead weights to stay in character as Jeffrey Dahmer - Insider

2 years ago 55
  • Ryan Murphy and Evan Peters spoke astir their enactment connected Netflix's "Dahmer" astatine a sheet connected Saturday.
  • Peters wore pb weights and footwear lifts to imitate Jeffrey Dahmer successful mentation for the role, per Variety.
  • Peters said helium did truthful to mimic Dahmer's physicality until it became "second nature." 

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Evan Peters wore pb weights connected his arms for astir a twelvemonth successful mentation for Netflix's "Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.

Showrunner Ryan Murphy, Peters, and different formed members spoke astir the fashionable bid during a sheet connected Saturday, per Variety. While there, Murphy reflected connected the lengths Peters, who plays Jeffrey Dahmer successful the series, went to embody the serial killer. 

A representation   of Evan Peters

Even Peters stars arsenic Jeffrey Dahmer successful the Netflix series. Netflix

According to Murphy, Peters stayed successful quality arsenic Dahmer "for months," including 4 months of mentation and six months of filming. Peters did so, successful part, by wearing pb weights astir his arms and lifts successful his shoes to mimic Dahmer's physicality. 

"He has a precise consecutive back. He doesn't determination his arms erstwhile helium walks, truthful I enactment weights connected my arms to spot what that felt like," Peters, 35, said according to the outlet. "I wore the quality shoes with lifts successful them, his jeans, his glasses, I had a cigaret successful my manus astatine each times."

Variety reported that Peters said helium worked with a dialect manager to recognize Dahmer's mannerisms and code signifier arsenic if it were "second nature." 

"I wanted each this stuff, these outer things, to beryllium 2nd quality erstwhile we were shooting, truthful I watched a batch of footage and I besides worked with a dialect manager to get down his voice," Peters continued, according to the outlet. "The mode that helium spoke, it was precise chiseled and helium had a dialect. So I besides went disconnected and created this 45-minute audio composite, which was precise helpful."

Evan Peters deterioration  a tuxedo portion    attending 2022 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Evan Peters worked with a dialect manager to imitate Dahmer's voice. Arturo Holmes/Getty Images

Peters besides said helium listened to the audio composite regular to get into Dahmer's mindset. 

"It was an exhaustive search, trying to find backstage moments, times wherever helium didn't look self-conscious, truthful you could get a glimpse into however helium behaved anterior to these interviews and being successful prison," Peters continued. 

"Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" is simply a 10-episode mini-series that premiered connected Netflix successful September. The bid chronicles Dahmer's murders from the victims' position and analyzes however instrumentality enforcement initially failed to analyse Dahmer aft neighbors reported suspicious activity.

The formed includes Peters, Molly Ringwald, Niecy Nash, and Richard Jenkins. 

Ryan Murphy astatine  33rd Annual Producers Guild Awards.

Ryan Murphy addressed contention surrounding the Jeffrey Dahmer series. Kevin Winter/Getty Images

During a abstracted sheet quality connected Thursday, Murphy addressed the contention surrounding the amusement sparked by victims' families. Some families person said Murphy ne'er contacted them earlier the bid airedwhich helium aboriginal denied.  

Other household members accused Murphy of exploiting their trauma and retraumatizing them with the content. 

In response, Murphy said that he'd beryllium "happy to pay" for a memorial honoring the victims successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin, wherever the murders took place. An lawyer who antecedently represented 8 of the victims' families called retired Murphy, saying helium should alternatively stock the profits of his Netflix bid with the families. 

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