Evotec, Hannover Medical School Partner On PanOmics Database - Contract Pharma

1 year ago 35

Aims to make a molecular diligent database for Sjögren’s syndrome (SjS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


Evotec SE has entered a concern with Hannover Medical School (MHH), a starring German university, to make a molecular diligent database for Sjögren’s syndrome (SjS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

The strategical concern aims to execute a amended illness knowing of SjS and SLE by creating a unsocial longitudinal PanOmics database from the investigation of diligent material. Biospecimens from respective 100 SjS and SLE patients volition beryllium collected by MHH and analyzed connected Evotec’s PanOmics platform, which includes genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics arsenic good arsenic single-cell sequencing technologies. 
Together with supplementary pseudonymised diligent data, these PanOmics information volition provender into Evotec’s translational molecular diligent information level E.MPD, which serves arsenic the cardinal information repository for molecular diligent data.

For world research, MHH volition person entree to the information generated wrong the concern by moving with Evotec’s AI-driven analytics bundle PanHunter. Evotec has the exclusive close to exploit the information commercially with its unsocial capabilities successful the tract of data-driven precision medicine. No fiscal presumption were disclosed.

Dr. Cord Dohrmann, Chief Scientific Officer of Evotec, said, “We are excited to participate this concern with MHH and grow Evotec’s E.MPD database into autoimmune diseases. The accepted symptomatic statement of galore diseases stands successful the mode of some diagnosis and effectual treatment. By leveraging PanOmics data, we are taking a deeper dive into underlying illness mechanisms. A amended knowing of molecular illness mechanisms guides the recognition of cardinal illness drivers and yet supports the recognition of caller targets and the improvement of effectual medicine.”

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