Exercise Science Academy

2 years ago 89

Exercise Science Academy

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Exercise Science Academy was founded successful the twelvemonth 2003.

Over the past 15 years, ESA has been successfully imparting workout subject acquisition to trainers, nutritionists, coaches & fittingness enthusiasts. ESA conducts regular online & offline certification courses and workshops similar ACSM Certified Personal Trainer Course & CSCS Strength & Conditioning Prep Course, Certified Marathon Trainer Course etc. We presently person implicit 10 certification courses and implicit 30 workshops.

The squad astatine ESA is the astir successful, elite and sought-after members of the fittingness and wellness industry. Pioneers successful their respective fields, they besides presently represent, negociate immoderate of the starring nationalist and planetary athletes successful the country.

The app is designed to assistance students enrol and entree gamut of workshops & courses, recognize concepts successful an in-depth and casual to grasp manner. Students volition person entree to each the lecture videos, notes, survey materials required for the course/ workshop, duty submissions, mock exam etc.

One app to alteration your fittingness career, from anyplace anytime.

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