Exploring Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD - Psychiatric Times

1 year ago 47

Evidence from a increasing fig of studies suggests that 38% to 40% of adults surviving successful the United States usage complementary and alternate medicine (CAM) therapies,1 yet lone 42% person told their superior doc that they bash so.2 Patients bash not disclose their usage for galore reasons. They are not asked astir it; they are acrophobic that their clinician volition disapprove; they whitethorn not deliberation it is necessary; and/or their clinicians are not funny successful oregon bash not cognize astir CAM methods.3

Moreover, integrative medicine (IM) appeals to groups similar veterans who traditionally debar oregon acquisition dissatisfaction with accepted attraction and are prone to posttraumatic accent upset (PTSD).4 Hence, clinicians should disclose their involvement and grooming successful IM and inquire patients astir their wellness practices.

Integrative medicine and nutrition for the attraction of PTSD is comprised of 18 components (Table 1).5 To best enactment patients, clinicians should individualize their attack based connected patients’ needs and preferences.

Digestion, Nutrition, and PTSD

Stress and trauma impact each aspects of carnal function: humor glucose levels, encephalon metabolism, energy, and altered encephalon structures wherever neurons misfire oregon neglect to communicate. When accent dysregulates digestion, it leads to a cascade of events affecting mood, cognition, sleep, and immune function. Parasympathetic enactment governs digestion, which explains wherefore successful PTSD and analyzable trauma, determination is astatine slightest 1 associated digestive problem.

In sympathetic arousal, the caput hurts, the tummy aches, and the intestines are excessively progressive oregon immobilized by fear. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often co-occurs with traumatic stress, and chronic gut distress tin pb to PTSD.6 Similarly, determination is simply a causal concatenation that links puerility abuse, dissociation, and somatization with IBS.7

These often-explicable somatic symptoms correspond a analyzable neuroimmunomodulatory connection strategy betwixt the gut and the brain. Gut bacteria modulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis8 and γ-aminobutyric acerb (GABA) via the vagus nerve,9 which reduces anxiousness and depression.

Patients should see expanding steadfast intestinal bacteria by eating fermented foods (eg, yogurt, kefir, kimchee, kombucha, sauerkraut, and stink eggs) oregon via supplementation with high-dose probiotics. Probiotics person been associated with symptom reduction, suggesting an anti-inflammatory effect.10

Nutraceuticals and Supplements

Nutritional medicine, diet, and nutraceuticals are progressively utilized successful psychiatry.11 Vitamin D,12 omega-3 fatty acids,13 antioxidants (eg, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc), folate, magnesium, and vitamins B6, B9, and B12 tin supply halfway nutritional enactment for intelligence health.14 Phospholipid supplements person been recovered to trim circulating cortisol, amended memory, forestall cognitive decline, and amended perceived well-being.15 Phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) are concentrated successful encephalon compartment membranes and enactment compartment operation and function. PS immunodeficiency neurotransmitter activity, particularly dopamine and acetylcholine, and supports cognitive function.16

Mitochondrial Health

Brain neurons person a precocious request for adenosine triphosphate (ATP),17 and their precocious oxygen depletion complaint leads to escaped radicals and inflammation, which payment from antioxidants. Mitochondria whitethorn beryllium affected by deficiency of sleep, pesticides, pollutants, antibiotics, and psychotropic drugs, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).18 Medications that are commonly prescribed to patients with PTSD (eg, statins, beta-blockers, neuroleptics, and corticosteroids) interfere with mitochondrial function, and mitochondria besides endure degradation arsenic portion of the aging process. Mitochondrial biogenesis whitethorn payment from CoQ10, pyrroloquinoline quinone, quercetin, and carnitine.19

High-intensity aerobic workout and photobiomodulation (PBM) besides heighten mitochondrial biogenesis. Exercise enhances cognition and neuroplasticity, balances HPA function, reduces inflammatory markers,20 and increases brain-derived neurotrophic origin (BDNF).21 Anaerobic workout builds halfway musculus spot and thin assemblage mass; increases metabolism, glucose uptake, and energy; and improves slumber and anxiousness successful individuals with PTSD.22

The energetic exercises qigong and tai chi person been utilized with survivors of torture and person improved well-being and the prime of beingness successful individuals with fibromyalgia.23 Yoga has been recovered to summation levels of gamma-aminobutyric acerb successful the brain.24 In 1 study, for example, African American pistillate veterans who practiced 10 play classes of trauma-informed yoga experienced important reductions successful PTSD symptoms.25

Research connected PBM successful individuals with traumatic encephalon wounded (TBI), PTSD, anxiety, and slumber disorders showed improvements pursuing treatment, with a mean to ample effect successful large depressive disorder.26-28 One carnal survey recovered that PBM attraction applied instantly aft a traumatic lawsuit tin forestall the improvement of PTSD-like fear.29

Bodywork and Somatic Therapies

There are arsenic galore systems of interaction therapies arsenic determination are psychotherapies. Individuals of each ages are candidates for interaction during each stages of their recovery. Different techniques of interaction therapies facilitate circumstantial responses. Bodywork and massage are besides types of passive workout that tin assistance jumpstart enactment and question erstwhile the diligent is not yet physically active. Stretching, range-of-motion rotations, unit points, and guided breathing each trim dissociation and statesman the process of inviting individuals backmost into their bodies.

Massage and bodywork tin alteration slump and anxiety; they person been utilized successful children with PTSD pursuing Hurricane Andrew,30 successful pistillate survivors of intersexual abuse,31,32 and successful individuals with a past of trauma who are caregivers to patients with dementia.33 Rocking is simply a cosmopolitan behaviour that synchronizes the brain, accelerates and improves slumber quality, and increases slumber spindles, which are associated with being capable to slumber done biology noise.34 Continuous rocking strengthens heavy slumber via the neural entrainment and enhances representation consolidation during sleep.35


There is grounds that improving slumber should beryllium a cardinal constituent successful addressing PTSD,36 and nutritional interventions that people the HPA axis and circadian bushed whitethorn beryllium helpful. Lithium orotate is halfway enactment that lengthens circadian rhythm, balancing mood, sleep, and cognitive health. A suggested dose of 10 to 40 mg regular of lithium orotate combined with methyl folate tin beryllium beneficial.37 Combining bright-light vulnerability successful the greeting with vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) tin besides assistance equilibrium the circadian rhythm. Methylcobalamin enhances the airy sensitivity of the circadian timepiece astatine dosages ranging from 1000 to 6000 mcg daily.38

Botanical Medicines

Individuals with PTSD whitethorn usage cannabis to initiate sleep,39 but the lit connected this has mixed results. Generally, precocious ratios of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to cannabidiol (CBD) whitethorn exacerbate insomnia, whereas higher CBD oregon cannabinol (CBN) whitethorn assistance sleep. Some individuals payment from a 5-parts CBD/CBN:THC 5:1 oregon 10:1 ratio. If symptom affects slumber quality, THC has a much anti-inflammatory effect, utilized successful a 1:1 oregon 5:1 ratio.40,41

Lifetime cannabis usage is much than 3 times much apt successful individuals with PTSD than successful those without.42 This whitethorn beryllium owed to the portion cannabinoids play successful helping the assemblage modulate the extinction of conditioned fearfulness arsenic good arsenic successful reducing symptom and anxiety.43,44 Low-dose THC successful cannabis appears to person anxiolytic effects, whereas a precocious dose whitethorn beryllium liable for producing anxiety. Low doses trim depression; precocious doses summation depression.45


Adaptogens and their progressive extracts enactment HPA axis relation physique endurance, enactment immune function, and trim fatigue. Adaptogens summation cellular respiration, aiding mitochondrial function. Table 2 lists the 3 criteria of adaptogenic herbs.46

Common adaptogens see Panax ginseng, eleuthero (also known arsenic Siberian ginseng), and licorice root. Ashwagandha is called the queen of Ayurveda and has been utilized for much than 6000 years to heighten vitality and endurance. Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea) is the large botanical approved arsenic an adaptogen by the Committee connected Herbal Medicinal Products astatine the European Medicines Agency. It is simply a mild antidepressant and a stimulant that has been recovered adjuvant successful addressing anxiousness symptoms. Rhodiola is besides anti-inflammatory, and it supports cognitive function. All these qualities marque it a bully enactment for supporting individuals with analyzable trauma and TBI.47

Sedative Botanicals

Kava is 1 of the astir effectual botanical nervines that functions similar an anxiolytic. Like benzodiazepines, kava acts connected the amygdala, reducing fearfulness and anxiety, and it is besides a musculus relaxant that improves cognitive performance.48 Although kava-containing supplements person been associated with liver injuries, the aqueous extract of kava is safe; it is associated with nary superior adverse effects and has nary objective hepatotoxicity.49,50 Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) acts connected benzodiazepine receptors, is anti-inflammatory, and whitethorn beryllium beneficial for anxious depression.51


In summation to eliminating harmful substance use, detoxification strategies tin scope from eliminating gluten from the fare to expanding cruciferous vegetables. The relation betwixt gluten, depression, and addiction is good established.52 Cruciferous vegetables heighten P-450 enzymes and assistance liver relation successful individuals successful intoxicant and cause betterment oregon who person been exposed to biology toxins.53 Detoxification besides extends into taste rituals similar sweat lodges, temazcales, and saunas, which whitethorn decondition autonomic reactivity, summation adaptive immune function, and heighten bonding and attachment behaviors.54

Psychedelic Medicine

Psychedelic medicines change the chemic transmissions and mean functions successful the tense system, starring to altered states and often transcendent oregon mystical experiences that whitethorn person import for the nonaccomplishment of hope, meaning, and intent experienced by individuals with PTSD. These “psychointegrators” heighten the processing of indispensable accusation regarding self, emotions, societal relations, and attachment behaviors, and facilitate this integration successful the brain.55 Psychedelics change functional connectivity and tin perchance alteration the neural connections that support individuals successful chronic symptom states.56

Ayahuasca, N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), lysergic acerb diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin, methamphetamine (MDMA), mescaline (peyote), ketamine, and ibogaine are each subjects of ongoing probe successful the objective attraction for the attraction of depression, addictions, and PTSD-related symptoms.57

Concluding Thoughts

Psychoeducation is integral to helping patients recognize however their symptoms—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—arise from their traumatic experiences. The qualities of the objective relationship—compassion, empathy, and rapport—are the instauration of palmy trauma treatment. Next steps mightiness see obtaining a idiosyncratic consultation successful integrative intelligence health—much arsenic we bash erstwhile we acquisition psychotherapy anterior to becoming a therapist—or exploring studies successful integrative medicine for intelligence wellness by taking courses oregon attending conferences.

For those funny successful learning more, further resources tin beryllium recovered via the Leslie Korn Institute for Integrative Medicine, the Integrative Psychiatry Institute, Integrative Medicine for Mental Health, and Psychiatry Redefined.

Dr Korn is a licensed psychotherapist and an integrative medicine clinician, scientist, educator, and writer specializing successful the intersection of trauma, nutrition, and chronic carnal illness.


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