Fighting to free the women and children enslaved by IS

1 year ago 22

Bahar EliasImage source, Getty Images

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Bahar Elias spent 18 months arsenic a captive and enslaved of Islamic State group

By Rachel Wright

BBC World Service Assignment

In 2014, thousands of Yazidi women and children were enslaved by the Islamic State (IS) radical successful Iraq and Syria. Their chap Yazidis launched a rescue effort astir immediately, but astir a decennary later, their task is inactive unfinished.

In November 2015, Bahar and her 3 young children had conscionable been sold for the 5th time.

She had been 1 of galore Yazidi women taken captive by IS, who had swept into her colony successful the Sinjar territory of bluish Iraq 18 months earlier. A spiritual number surviving successful Iraq for astir 6,000 years, the Yazidis were considered infidels by the IS fighters.

Her hubby and eldest lad had been taken away. She believes they were changeable and buried successful a wide grave.

Bahar remembers however she and her 3 different children were each lined up successful a room, crying due to the fact that they thought they would beryllium beheaded. But instead, they were being sold.

That's erstwhile the fearfulness truly began.

Bahar says she had to service the IS fighters whose spot she became. "I had to enactment similar their wives, erstwhile they wanted. They would bushed maine if they wanted to." Her children, each nether the property of 10, were besides beaten. One of her daughters was smashed successful the look with a firearm butt.

Her 4th "owner" was a Tunisian called Abu Khattab. "We stayed astatine his home, but helium would besides indebtedness maine retired to enactment arsenic a cleaner astatine 2 different IS bases. At each these places, I would spell to work, I would cleanable and I would beryllium raped.

"And determination were aerial raids each the time. IS fighters would beryllium moving around, getting weapons, oregon hiding from the bombing. It was chaos, it was worse than a nightmare."

Image source, Reuters

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Mosul 2014: IS took power of areas of Iraq and Syria until they were defeated successful 2017

One day, erstwhile Bahar and her children were successful Abu Khattab's house, a achromatic car with blacked-out windows pulled up. The operator was dressed successful achromatic with a agelong beard, and looked nary antithetic from galore different IS fighters.

Bahar realised she and her children were being sold erstwhile more. Overwhelmed with the situation, Bahar screamed astatine the antheral to conscionable termination her - she couldn't carnivore immoderate more.

But what happened adjacent changed everything.

As they drove off, the operator said, "I americium taking you determination else." Bahar didn't cognize what was happening oregon spot the man, and she began to get frantic. He stopped the car, and called idiosyncratic connected his phone. He past handed the telephone to Bahar. It was the dependable of Abu Shuja, a antheral known to person arranged the rescue of galore women and children. Now she realised that the operator had bought her truthful she and her children could besides beryllium rescued.

Bahar was driven to a operation tract determination adjacent Raqqa, successful Syria. She was dropped disconnected and told that a antheral would come, and accidental the codification connection "Sayeed". She should spell with him.

Sure enough, idiosyncratic arrived connected a motorbike, and uttered the word. He told Bahar and her 3 children to get connected his motorbike, and said, "Listen, we are successful IS territory, determination are checkpoints. If they inquire you anything, don't accidental a word, truthful they don't recognise your Yazidi accent."

What's happened to Iraq's Yazidis?

Since the decision of IS successful 2017, the traumatized Yazidi assemblage has tried to recover. And yet, arsenic Rachel Wright reports, much than 100,000 Yazidis stay stuck successful camps, incapable to instrumentality to their homes.

Listen to Assignment: What's happened to Iraq's Yazidis connected BBC World Service astatine 02:32 GMT (03:32 BST) connected Thursday 6 July, oregon online astatine BBC Sounds

Bahar says that the antheral took them to his home: "They were truthful bully to america determination - we showered, they gave america nutrient and painkillers and they said, 'You are successful harmless hands now'."

Another antheral took pictures of Bahar and her children and sent them to Abu Shuja to beryllium that helium had the close people. Then astatine astir 03:00 the adjacent morning, the household was woken up and told to get acceptable to determination again. The antheral whose location they were staying successful gave Bahar his mother's ID paper and said that if anyone should halt and ask, she should accidental she was taking her lad to sojourn the doctor. "We drove done tons of IS checkpoints but no-one stopped us."

Finally they got to a colony connected the Syrian/Iraqi borderline and Bahar was met by Abu Shuja and her brother. "I was connected the verge of collapse," she says. "I don't retrieve overmuch other that happened aft that."

More than 6,400 Yazidi women and children are thought to person been sold into slavery aft IS captured Sinjar. Another 5,000 Yazidis were murdered successful what a UN committee termed a genocide.

Image source, Getty Images

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April 2023: Bahar and her 3 surviving children clasp pictures of their missing household members

Abu Shuja, who arranged Bahar's rescue, wasn't the lone 1 to beryllium acrophobic astir the women and children kidnapped by IS. Businessman Bahzad Fahran, who lived extracurricular of IS-controlled areas had acceptable up a radical called Kinyat - to rescue Yazidi women and children and grounds the crimes of IS fighters.

Kinyat got connection that IS fighters were buying and selling kidnapped Yazidi women and children online, peculiarly connected Telegram. "We would infiltrate these online groups nether borrowed names oregon utilizing IS fighters' names," says Bahzad.

On the partition of his bureau successful the Kurdish country of Iraq, helium points to printed-out screenshots of the Telegram chats that helium saw. One of them is successful English, advertizing a miss for sale: "12 yrs aged not virgin precise beautiful". She outgo $13,000 (£10,000) and was successful Raqqa successful Syria. Then helium shows maine a representation of the miss posing successful a suggestive mode connected a leather sofa.

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Messages specified arsenic this alerted Barzad and his organisation to the whereabouts of captured Yazidis

Bahzad says that these Telegram chats would springiness details of wherever the kidnapped Yazidis were located: "We would get successful interaction with radical surviving astir determination and inquire them to look for this kid."

It was easier to find young boys due to the fact that they were allowed retired of the location more: "We'd besides get the [kidnapped person's] household to nonstop accusation truthful erstwhile we confronted the boy, we could springiness them grounds that we were genuine," says Bahzad.

"When we were rescuing families, similar women with their children, we had to person a bid of codes, oregon signals to fto them cognize we were determination to rescue them, and to fto america cognize erstwhile they are alone."

The process differed successful each case, but each 1 progressive money, and fake documents to get done IS radical checkpoints.

It was excessively risky for Yazidis to participate IS areas, truthful the enactment of rescue had to beryllium carried retired by section smugglers, who were much utilized to shifting cigarettes and forbidden alcohol.

"These guys did it each for cash," says Bahzad. "That was their lone motive. Many radical were paid thousands of dollars to bargain backmost these girls."

Kinyat says that 6,417 Yazidis were taken captive, but 3,568 either escaped oregon were rescued. Bahzad himself rescued 55 radical but according to the UN-backed International Organization for Migration (IOM), astir 2,700 Yazidi women and children are inactive missing. Many of them could inactive beryllium with their kidnappers.

Bahzad says that it has go much and much analyzable to hint victims. After IS was defeated, the fighters and their families fled to different areas. Some are successful Turkey, Iraq, Syria and immoderate adjacent went to Europe.

Bahzad says determination are Yazidi children who were 5 oregon six erstwhile they were abducted and who person wholly forgotten their connection oregon who they are: "They don't cognize thing astir being Yazidi. And they adjacent forgot their families."

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Bahzad Farhan acceptable up a radical to rescue Yazidi women and children

The wider aboriginal for the Yazidi radical besides remains uncertain.

"The Yazidis person been nether onslaught for galore centuries, and a batch of the Muslim population, younger oregon older, inactive judge they should person oregon die," says Haider Elias, the caput of the largest Yazidi advocacy organisation, Yazda. "And that's wherefore we judge IS is not the grade of it, oregon the extremity of it, and that's a large fearfulness for the Yazidis."

Of the 300,000 Yazidis who fled their homes successful Sinjar from IS, astir fractional are - similar Bahar - inactive surviving successful tented camps successful the Kurdish portion of Iraq. They can't spell backmost to their homes successful Sinjar territory due to the fact that it has been astir wholly destroyed, and its strategical presumption connected the Iraqi/Syria borderline makes it unsafe territory - with militias who came to combat IS present warring each different for supremacy.

Elias says the assemblage is frightened that it volition beryllium the taxable of different massacre astatine immoderate time, and that galore Yazidis are present migrating. "A consciousness of information is truly important for them. It's a large thing. They don't consciousness secure."

It outgo astir £16,000 ($20,000) to bargain Bahar's freedom. She's 40 years aged now, but looks older than her property - beneath her headscarf her hairsbreadth is present mostly grey.

She has lived successful a campy for 8 years since her rescue. Sitting connected a bladed mattress connected the level of her tent, she takes retired a integrative folder with pictures of her missing household members.

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Bahar looks astatine pictures of her missing hubby and son, present presumed murdered by IS

Not knowing what happened to her hubby and eldest son, and dealing with the trauma of being repeatedly raped, has made Bahar precise sick - some physically and emotionally.

Her different children are inactive with her, but she says they are inactive successful shock, and anxious each the time. "My girl has injuries from the beatings she endured," she says. "I person to support warring and support going. But astatine the moment, the mode we are close now, it's similar being the surviving dead."

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