GPS Insight integrates Geotab device data into fleet, field management applications - Fleet Equipment Magazine

1 year ago 50

GPS Insight, a supplier of SaaS-based fleet and tract work absorption bundle solutions, announced it has entered into a reseller statement with Geotab. GPS Insight joins the Geotab assemblage not lone arsenic a reseller, but besides arsenic a user and distributor of information from Geotab’s telematics devices.

Through this statement with Geotab, GPS Insight volition integrate the information driven by Geotab’s GO9 and aboriginal devices into its ain proprietary fleet and tract absorption bundle applications. For GPS insight, this statement opens the doorway to a vastly expanded telematics dataset that volition amplify its customers’ quality to efficaciously and successfully negociate their businesses.

For GPS Insight, the information provender provided by GO9 and aboriginal Geotab devices presents opportunities for an enhanced lawsuit experience, including but not constricted to OEM/deviceless tracking, Wifi hotspot capabilities, diagnostics information for yellowish iron, precocious information detection and mishap recreation, EV/HEV charging and artillery data, and wintertime instrumentality telematics.

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